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Brings Home The Bacon
A person who Brings Home The Bacon has achieved something notable, or won a prize or award. There have been two suggestions as to the phrase's origin. The first is from an ancient English game, popular at country fairs across the land. Men would chase after a heavily greased pig around a ring and whoever managed to catch and hold on to it was given it as a prize to take home. So, these winners were said to have "taken home the bacon". The second - and more likely - explanation lies in a tradition known as the Dunmow Flitch Trials. The trial was established by a noblewoman called Juga in 1104, at Great Dunmow in Essex, and was a challenge to all married couples in England to live for a year and a day in complete harmony, without so much as a single cross word between them. The prize she offered was a flitch (a whole side) of bacon. In over 500 years there were only eight winners of the prize. In 1855, the tradition was re-established and nowadays it's held every four years, often with celebrities taking part. Claimants of the flitch are required to stand in front of a jury of twelve (six maidens and six bachelors of Great Dunmow) and prove that they deserve to "take home the bacon" during a day-long event.
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