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Murphy's Law
Murphy's Law is the premise that if anything can go wrong it most probably will. This phrase began life in 1949 at the Edwards Air Force Base test centre in California, USA. HERE, the young engineer Captain Edward A Murphy was working on Project MX981, a series of experiments to find out how much deceleration human bodies can stand in a plane crash. One day Murphy found a small fault. He fixed the problem and claimed of the technician responsible “If there is ever a wrong way to do something, he will find it.” The project manager during the tests kept a list of “laws”, and added Murphy's comment under the title of “Murphy's Law”. A short while after, Dr John Paul Stapp, an Air Force doctor, was involved in similar experiments. He gave a press conference to reveal the results and during he noted that the project's excellent safety record was due to a firm belief in “Murphy's Law”, which involved trying to foresee anything that could go wrong and use advance planning to avoid it. The phrase was picked up, over the following years, by aerospace manufacturers, who used it widely in their advertising.
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