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How To Learn to Type
Learning to type is an important skill to master in today's environment. If you learn to type well, it can help you to get a job faster and easier; you can accomplish more in your working day, finish your work sooner, and communicate more with people, friends and relatives by exchanging email messages.

To learn basic typing skills and improve your typing speed, do the following:

Take a Basic Typing Lesson

You can find free typing lessons online, or ask a friend with good typing skills to show you how to type. It's a no-brainer, not difficult at all. Everyone can master typing skills; it just takes learning and practice, until it gets and automatic task and a second nature.

You can take typing-lessons on a typing tutor. Typing tutors are computer-programs that teach you how to type. Some typing tutorial programs are very good, including many different kinds of typing activity, typing lessons, tests, drills and fun typing games. They are usually quite affordable too.

When you choose a typing tutor, make sure that the program is easy to use and navigate, and that it has a simple, clear, neat and organised layout. Also, make sure that the lessons and exercises of the typing tutor software are fit to your level, according to your age and learning skills. There are typing tutor programs for all ages, young kids, older children and adults. Many are good both for kids and adults. Ideally, it should have interactive features, animations, sounds and music, to make the typing practice fun and entertaining.

Practice Typing as Much as You Can

The more you practice typing the better will be your keyboarding skills. There's no limit to how much you have to practice. Once taken the basic keyboarding lessons, keep practicing forever. Expert typists too keep practicing and constantly improving their typing skills.

Care for Your Health

Set up a healthy, ergonomic office environment. Buy ergonomic furniture and equipment, chairs, tables and keyboards. Adjust the lighting of the room and of the computer monitor. Sit properly, as your proper keyboarding posture and positioning is very important for your wellbeing. Make sure there's enough space on the table for your hands, wrists and elbows. Take unnecessary items off the table, and clean the space under the table. Take frequent breaks during work to avoid development or contribution to development of Repetitive Stress Injury and the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Take Typing Tests to Improve Your Touch Typing Skills

Typing tests will give you an idea of your current typing speed as well as motivate you to improve your typing-speed. You can find speed typing tests online, although many of the online typing tests are quite limited. Typing tutors offer typing-tests as well. You can also learn to type and take great typing tests online by registering with some typing training services.

Get a Typing Certificate

Typing certificates are offered by some on-line typing and testing services. Typing certifications from a reputable service may help you prove your typing skills to a potential employer, and it can help you get accepted for an office and typing job.

Play Typing Games

There are many great fun typing and keyboarding games for kids and adults out there. Typing games can be found online. Most good typing tutor software will also include some speed typing games. Online typing training services offer typing games to help you learn to type too. Typing games are educational, instructive and lots of fun.

In summary, learn to type by taking a basic typing lesson and practicing typing as much as you can. Learn typing with a typing tutor, a downloadable one, shipped on a CD, or a dedicated online typing service. Take typing tests, play typing and keyboarding games, and get a typing certificate. Take care of you health by designing an ergonomic office environment and taking breaks during the day. Practice typing a lot, and soon you'll be a great expert typist.

Jacob Surkis is an expert typist and owner of one of the top Internet sites on typing tutor reviews, typing lessons, tests, games and everything related to touch-typing and computer keyboarding. Visit
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