I order stationery but don't control the budget. I've tried getting in recycled notepads but I could not find anything of a suitable quality to satisfy everyone's tastes. There is recycled paper for general copying, fax machine etc and better paper for other printing. All the printer/copier toners are recycled and returned to the stationery supplier (free service

We have to recycle as much as we can - I work in the waste management industry and it's almost engrained in us to do this! Everyone has their own mini recycle bin for paper and card. You are also encouraged to double side printing/copying as much as possible. We have separate bins outside for co-mingled dry and clean products (plastic, paper and cardboard) and another general bin for kitchen waste etc.
The building is not that eco-friendly due to its design but lights, etc are kept switched off as much as possible, heating and air-con etc are monitored and there's heat sensitive lighting in the washrooms.