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1  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Hotels in Nice? on: January 26, 2002, 04:10:29 pm
I can find out something for you, but you need to wait until Monday.

2  General Discussion / Topical Climates / Re: Kathleen Soliah (d/b/a "Sara Jane Olson") on: January 25, 2002, 07:52:10 pm
Found the name I couldn't remember yesterday:  James Kilgore.  He is still at large, and has been for 27 years.  Heck, he could live next door to any one of us, I suppose.  Michael Bortin is the most recent fugitive tracked down.  This trial looks like it's going to be huge, when and if it ever gets underway.   Could be almost as much hype as OJ's.

I still have problems with Patty Hearst testifying.  She's calling them all "dangerous radicals," and she was right in there with them.  True Sara Olson never yet paid for her involvement in the failed pipe bombing, but she appears to be as reformed as Patty Hearst seems to be.  They were formerly sisters in crime, and that, combined with Patty Hearst's wealth-advantage, is a scary thing to me when it comes to giving fair trials.  What on earth does Patty Hearst have to gain from all of this except heightened exposure that will further her aspirations in acting, I wonder.  I hope that those bringing Sara to trial for Myrna Opdahl's murder have more evidence than just Patty Hearst.

3  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: New Boss on: January 25, 2002, 03:58:03 pm
I say, just screen the calls.  What better way to find out what's going on and stay on top of things?  Unless she's getting 75+ calls a day, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal unless she's asking you never to be away from your desk, too, so that you can do this screening stuff.  How are you two ever going to get off on the right foot if, right off the bat, you're resisting helping her in the way that she wants to be helped?

4  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 25, 2002, 12:47:18 am
Guess I'm not the only one who missed the question at hand, CG.  Looked like you were asking for our critique of your plethora of personal expression-wares!  LOL  Now that you have that, here's my answer to the question you thought you had asked.  I think it's important to inform kids about ALL the possible choices open to them, state the potential consequences, and then get the heck out of their way except to guide them.  Face it, we all did what we wanted to.  Some of them will learn things the hard way, and some of them will make great choices because they "get it" right from the get go.  Some will screw up all the rules, but they'll be so doggoned brilliant, that it wouldn't matter if they looked like Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtin as Coneheads, plus had body art!  So, my answer is:  it just depends.

5  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 24, 2002, 10:20:09 pm
Thanks, Robin.  I'm thinking of Jessica!  Finally remembered her name after you reminded me of the others'.   If I had worked with any of the contestants, I would have watched every episode, too.  I mainly tune in, because when I can I like to watch CSI afterward.  Unfortunately, that is starting to get a wee bit boring when you know that you're going to see 2-3 dead bodies each episode.  Kim was nice, but I thought it would have been just way too much if she had won since she was so much like Tina.  What do you think about the theories by some that the entire show is rigged and that they make sure they have a politically-correct mix of people?  And, speaking of p-c, why weren't there any American Indians, Arab-American or Asian/Pacific people on there?  LOL  Soon, they'll have to start with 150 contestants to make everyone happy.

6  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 24, 2002, 10:11:47 pm
I am losin' it.  I liked Teresa, and she's not even the one I was thinking of . . . the blond . . . why do I care?!?! . . . who came in second.  Anyway, what the heck was the point of all of this in the first place?

7  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 24, 2002, 10:10:50 pm
Oh, geez, did I say Teresa?  Not Teresa, the brunette, the beautiful one, not the "Tina-lookalike."  Can't remember her name.  

8  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 24, 2002, 09:56:34 pm
Oh, I'm glad you posted, hightech.  I still can't believe that I watched at least 10-15 minutes of nearly every episode of Survivor this time, and I kept going back and forth about Lex.  I wanted to believe he was a nice guy.  But, man, they were really brutal with their edits on him.  I would imagine the contestants need to sign waivers to release all claims against the powers-that-be in order even to be on the show.  I have to give all of the contestants credit, regardless of what I thought about them, because had I seen even one African bug, I would have been out of there.  But, on the other hand, to have had the experience like, I think Teresa did, to stay and work on a project with the African tribe would have been an amazing memory.  Thank you for writing in and making me feel better that Lex won the Avalanche!  Although better him than Tom!  LOL  

9  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 24, 2002, 09:15:34 pm
Thank you, laundryhater, for making me feel, well, "current," when I sometimes wonder!

10  General Discussion / Topical Climates / Re: Kathleen Soliah (d/b/a "Sara Jane Olson") on: January 24, 2002, 09:12:45 pm
WS - She hasn't been sentenced yet for involvement in the murder.  She has only been charged with it.  That is a case separate from the one with the car bomb stuff.  Even though Patty Hearst is all over the news telling the story, it hasn't yet been proven that Sara Olson was involved.  I do agree that the evidence at this point appears to be overwhelming against her not having participated, but I would hope that they have more than just Patty's testimony to that end.  I have mixed feelings about Patty Hearst, and I think she would do anything (and so would her family) to avoid tying herself in any further.  I guess Mr. Clinton's pardon of her cleared that little problem up for the Hearst family, though, didn't it?!  I could be wrong, but I don't see that Kathleen Soliah had the benefit of as much counsel on what to do to make things right like Patty did.  Maybe that would have cleaned things up long ago.  She wasn't nuts like the Harrises, just young and stupid and scared pea green.  But, trying to discuss that here would just lead to trouble, I suppose.  My heart goes out to the Opdahl family.  They are the victims here, and it has been far too long a time that they have been trying to get justice.  But, at least they are going to have their chance.  There are others, like the parents of abducted Jacob Wetterling who has been missing for over 10 years, who may never get any satisfaction in that regard.  I do believe that we need to let Kathleen/Sara Jane have a fair trial for this murder charge, though.  Do they have film like they did on Patty?  This whole thing is really freaky.

11  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Body Art? on: January 24, 2002, 08:56:42 pm
CG - rather than comment on what I think about body art, I'm going to offer a fashion tip that has served my interests well and that is that one should never have more than 5 pieces of jewelry on one's person at a time.  Earrings count as 2.  So, you have got 5 earrings, 1 tongue thing, and, I'm guessing, a wedding ring, a watch, and a necklace or two.  Therein lies the issue, I believe.  Personally, although I'm feeling like I'm dangerously close to 50 at this point, I have seen some very attractive young women who managed to express themselves yet find a balance in moderation that is still very necessary in the business world.
[I do have to agree wholeheartedly with the others that checking out the tongue thing against teeth and lips and the incessant clicking of some annoys me.  Think of your grandpa eating a sandwich right next to you . . . LOL  If you are able to avoid making that noise and checking the thing out, then I really don't see where there should be a problem unless you're dealing with ultra-conservative clients on some part of the job.]

12  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: I got the "talk" yesterday. on: January 24, 2002, 08:45:46 pm
Bridget, you're may not like what I have to say, but here goes.  My first and biggest recommendation is to pull offline for a week or two and get back to business.  You wouldn't be back at work if you felt you didn't need to be back at work, and that needs to be your priority.  As far as phone calls, you are the only one who can monitor that.  I vaguely remember how difficult it was to get back into the swing of things, but it sounds like it is extremely important to the boss-i (that's the plural form of bossie) that you do just that and that you do it "tut suite."  Please don't be an unnecessary statistic during this time.  It's so much easier to keep a job that you've got that you know how to do well than to go out and try to round up a new one when you are getting used to a whole new way of life with little Aaron.  You are Post Toasties if they start monitoring your electronic activity, too!  Please do what you know you need to do in order to stay where you're at for now.  If it were me, I would develop a game plan, and then meet with each of the boss-i individually to let them know that I heard and understood "the talk," and here was how I planned to resolve their issues/what do they think?  That will keep your lines of communication open.  It's not time to panic, but it is time to start doing some tap dancing here, I think.  Hugs/you can do this!  GE

13  General Discussion / Topical Climates / Re: Kathleen Soliah (d/b/a "Sara Jane Olson") on: January 24, 2002, 05:00:55 am
I don't know who's been following this case but, for some reason unknown to me, it is of high interest to me.  I was glad that her case was taken seriously, because it sends the right message.  I was shocked, though, at the severity of the sentence.  I agree, wholeheartedly with one analysis of this case that it really was better than the best possible out come she could have hoped for, all circumstances considered.  She did end up being free for 2-3 more years than she would have if things had gone the way that they should have right from the beginning.   It would appear, that her troubles are far from over yet, though, thanks to her indictment for alleged involvement in the murder of Myrna Opdahl during the bank heist.  It is troubling to know that there is one more suspect at large, and they don't know whether they'll ever find him.  Think his name is John Walker, but I could be getting him confused with the American  taliban dude.  It is scary to think that it was so easy to commit a felony, and then disappear.  Even the stories in Patty Heart's book don't seem to have been checked out with too much vigor.  Just makes me wonder . . . and it makes me grateful that somehow I managed to escape getting *too* crazy in the 70s!  These people are not all that much older than I am.  Yikes!

14  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Travel Itinerary Template on: January 24, 2002, 04:46:20 am
Franklin Covey has a great one, although it's probably only available in their Forms software these days.  All you really need is a copy of the person's profile, their travel dates/times/destinations.  Then you need to remember to find out which airport they need to go to (I'll tell you a funny story sometime about this).  Generally, they think that it is YOUR responsibility to know where they are going (go figure!)  After all, since you do travel, you probably are familiar with every airport situation in the Western Hemisphere.  Then you need a spot for car/hotel yes/no.  Maybe you had something different in mind, Bridget, but MHO is that everyone has their own system of keeping this stuff in order, so they may just want to create their own.  Everything else needed comes back in the confirmation, unless you're working with the airlines/hotels/car rental agencies directly, I suppose, so the template just gets thrown away, too.  Although, I did work one place where, in retrospect, it would have been a tremendously good idea to have had them sign off on the template that this was exactly what they wanted and for me to proceed as outlined.  So, what did you have in mind?  LOL

15  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: New Boss on: January 24, 2002, 04:38:35 am
You're right, Karen.  I remember a teaching Joyce Meyer did called "Shaking Off Serpents."  I think you get the drift, Donna.  Maybe this will be the best possible new beginning you and your new boss can have.  She may need as much space and as much understanding as you do right now.  It IS an opportunity; how you both use it will determine your future happiness.  If you decide to hold the grudge, I recall another phrase Joyce Meyer uses:  "One more time around the mountain."  It took the Israelites 40 years to make an 11-13 day journey to their Promised Land.  Don't let a serpent called "It ain't supposed to happen this way to me," slow you down on the way to yours!  Jeri

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