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1  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Denied Vacation on: July 27, 2015, 03:00:26 pm
A lot depends on how the vacation was approved and the reason for denying it.  I would first broach this with your manager again.  If the response is not satisfactory, then I would take this to my manager's manager, and thence to HR as a formal complaint.  I had a manager years ago who would never say she declined to approve my holiday requests, but made things extremely awkward (including my having to check with seven other people whether they were on holiday at the same time!).  This bullying - which is what it was - ceased when I kicked up a fuss one day and pointed out that those seven people did not check with me, even though six of them were junior to me, whether I was taking vacation.  Sometimes, you have to be assertive.  And it works because bullies do not like anyone who responds assertively.
2  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Drop-in "appointments" on: July 27, 2015, 02:55:23 pm
Ask your manager to clarify how she would like these kinds of requests handled. 
3  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Lunch and Learn Topics on: June 30, 2015, 12:53:17 pm
We have a lunch and learn programme, which is open to everyone.  The topics are often work-focussed: getting the most out of powerpoint, equality and diversity and so on.  We also have some fun things scheduled: hobbies such as bee-keeping and fishing (my Assistant goes fishing), wine appreciation, wine-making, travel, health and well-being. 
4  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! on: March 11, 2015, 12:31:00 pm
Atlanta, I do feel for you and the situation with your parents.  I was my late Mother's main carer for the last five years of her life.  It is not easy when you, the child, becomes the parent to your parent(s).  Caring for one's elders, however much one adores them, can be challenging, but I treasure the time I spent with my Mother, particularly her last months - such precious memories.  I wish you well. x
5  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! on: March 11, 2015, 12:27:10 pm
My work-related goal this year is to begin a Masters in corporate governance.  That will be three years of hard graft on top of working.   Grin
6  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Trendy Question on: March 11, 2015, 12:24:02 pm
Whether I wear a scarf or a necklace depends upon the outfit.   I wear suits or dresses to work.  Necklaces go very well with the latter.  I tend to choose classic pieces, such as a string of pearls, or very modern almost industrial-looking pieces.  The odd bit of sparkle is fine, but I wouldn't wear anything too sparkly during the daytime.  I prefer a minimal amount of jewellery and absolutely no jangly bracelets.  Ideally, jewellery should complement and enhance an outfit, rather than preceding it into a room, and is an expression of the wearer's personality. 

At my business college, which I attended about a hundred years ago, we had a strong "finishing-school" element.  We had classes on personal presentation - clothes, makeup, deportment, business etiquette and so on.   I still maintain some of the principles we were taught, hence the "ban" on jangly bracelets.
7  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Mistake on: December 17, 2014, 11:27:50 pm
I know I'm coming in late to this thread, but I agree with reporting to your manager as soon as possible after you have realised you have made a mistake.  Indeed, if my Assistant left it a few days before telling me, I would be disappointed because we could have rectified things all the sooner if I had known about the matter earlier.  Your manager is paid more money than you to manage - to solve problems, provide direction and leadership.  That's what they do. 
8  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Sick at work, what do you do? on: December 17, 2014, 11:24:28 pm
I'm guilty of going to work when I'm unwell.  My method of getting through the day is to focus on what absolutely needs doing.  I'm fortunate in that I report to the CEO but my work is almost wholly self-directed so I can organise my own schedule. 
9  General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: Friends at work on: November 18, 2014, 06:27:54 pm
My personal rule is to keep home and work separate.  I have a few good friends among our Board of Directors, but they have grown up naturally over a very long time.  I am very discreet about those friendships. 
10  General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: Revisited: Pet Peeves at Work on: November 18, 2014, 06:26:09 pm
I, too, dislike grumps and gossips.  What we loosely call "gossip" has many facets, but it is often destructive and harmful, particualrly if it damages people's reputations.  We must be careful about grumps.  It is worth finding out what is making grumpy people grumpy.   Sometimes it may be personal difficulties which are not so easy to leave behind when one comes to work.

On a more personal level, I thoroughly dislike people who are inconsiderate of others, whether it be in terms of the level of noise they inflict on other people or the slovenly way in which dump things in the kitchen sink, leave tea-towels on the floor (Huh) and leave cupboard doors open.  Making things pleasant for everyone is a GOOD thing to do. 
11  General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: Staying one step ahead of the boss on: November 18, 2014, 06:21:01 pm
I would say - find out how Bossie likes to work (and not work); look at the diary months ahead; work out a plan for scheduling work; and make sure that papers and documents are available well in advance.  Project planning is key in many jobs today, so it's worth knowing how to do that. 
12  General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: What are you known for being good at? on: November 18, 2014, 06:18:39 pm
I'm known for hard work, loyalty, truthfulness, sound knowledge of my field of work, and giving great advice.  I have the respect and trust of our Board of Directors, with whom I work very closely.  This is good, but I don't let it go to my head.  I would just say that it takes hard graft to achieve this.  I think a can-do attitude, courtesy, and a good sense of humour are very important in the workplace.
13  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Job title advice on: October 12, 2014, 07:26:42 pm
Thank you very much, Atlanta.  I'm afraid that won't fit this post as there is no "project" involved.  The post is really more than a secretary, but there is little in the way of PA duties and certainly no EA duties involved.  I'm going to play around with Department/al Co-ordinator and see where that gets me.
14  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Job title advice on: October 09, 2014, 10:30:10 pm
Thank you so much, Claudia.
15  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Job title advice on: October 09, 2014, 12:25:14 am
We are doing some restructuring in my company and revision job profiles.  We have rebranded some with new job titles to reflect the duties undertaken.  I'm stuck on one job title.  The profile is: co-ordinating the activities of a team of 12 people, including a manager, in an office which deals with industrial relations.  There is an administrative assistant, who carries out the basic admin and secretarial tasks.  The individual in post used to be called "Secretary" and then chose "Administrator" for the time being.  I do not think it reflects the seniority of the post nor the size of it.  She can't be "Office Manager" because no-one below the level of Director can "manage" anything.  I was thinking of "Departmental Co-ordinator".  What would you think about a post if you encountered one with that title?  I would most welcome your views.  Thank you.
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