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General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Inspiration
on: January 17, 2021, 01:53:42 am
What are your favorite places for inspiration?
Mine? Taking walks Hot showers (yes I admit it!) and....sitting outside on the back porch where you can see nothing but nature.
When I was in San Francisco still taking walks still when I too long hot relaxing showers sitting somewhere, like along the bay people watching..
General Discussion / Sound Off! / 12 months from now...
on: January 17, 2021, 01:48:14 am
Imagine yourself 12 months from now, sitting having a coffee or tea with a co-worker. What would you tell them about your achievements over the year? What will you be most proud of?
General Discussion / Sound Off! / 2021!
on: January 06, 2021, 06:52:42 am
Are you ready for making 2021 good? We are still here, the forum board still works (and no one is looking at your information other than your posts, and your actual profile!!) I would love to see the forum board get back to where it was years ago. So, at least stop by, see if there are new posts (or make a post!) and comment to others to help support your peers.