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1  General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: Dress Code on: November 22, 2013, 12:23:05 pm
Oh there is no strict dress code, here however you must look smart at least and who wants to wear jeans to the office and home, its so boring to look at, however im sick off people who dress too casually at work, certain men think its ok to wear crumpled  t-shirts and blue jeans to work urghh.

What happened to the good ol days back in the 80s !!everyone looked smart Men/Women in three piece suits smart shirts and blouses to the office it looks so much better, our generation were much more clothes conscious then this generation who have a real dumbed down casual even shabby looking mismatch of clothing on,  Just look at the old pictures of people leaving the main line train stations in the morning back in the 80s/90s, and compare it to today, and if Tie Rack is closing down that says something too.

However I happen to dress very smart usually wearing silk/satin style shirts and expensive looking trousers to work bit im a one off an exceptionally flamboyant quirky dresser, though, i do stand out as being a bit to  smart but so what, there are too many people dressed casual these days. The days of super smartly dressed office workers are gone sadly I only wish those days return. Yes Im probably stuck in the 80s he he!!!
2  General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Now versus 10-15 years ago on: October 16, 2013, 11:03:55 am
I miss all the things back then everything from the typewriter to the telex machine. Back then we would all go to lunch at the same time and socilise in the pub it never happens anymore i love the notes put on peoples desk and even the frumpy looking women in the stationary department (no longer in existince), we all dressed up more then all very smart now people where what they like.

Today feels like we're more distanced from each other... oh those were the days!!!!

3  General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: Does your boss listen to you? on: May 28, 2013, 11:08:50 am
Oh yes my boss does listen if I have an idea she puts time in to make sure im part of the team, and really like her input in meetings she wholly supports me she will take the lead and thats fine with me. Cheesy
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