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General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: What Happened
on: October 07, 2014, 12:00:13 pm
May be lack of time is a reason as well. I barely have time to touch my laptop at home, Internet reception is weak on the train and at work I am not allowed to access any sort of forums.
Otherwise I find so much useful stuff and I am happy that can interact with admins off work.
Younger generation admins also are involved in different platforms I think ...
General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: High stress jobs
on: October 07, 2014, 11:33:32 am
Claudiamag,you are very right by saying this, it is different for every personality and environment. I always liked challenging jobs that are demanding and provide you with useful experience but I landed in a male job sort of. Have to deal with stuff that is not really interesting at all on a daily basis and people who do not really understand that you really cannot stay after 17:00 if you did not have lunch break (daily). This is why I decided that I need to make this change in order to be happier and more relaxed. As you mentioned, this reflects on my physical health: my lips started flaking, I wake up in the middle of the night with the thought of unmet deadline and cannot fall asleep any more or I am transferring my emotions on to my family. Also,. coming to work with chest infection because no one else will complete your job and the deadlines are crucial. When speaking with my line manager the response is: we are all under stress and this is why you are getting paid ?! This is definitely not right and I feel I have to action.
General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: High stress jobs
on: September 23, 2014, 03:10:27 pm
Jennika, we might work at the same place or at least sounds like it. I am still at the same job.
Claudiamag, I support a team and all of it including the tenants are extremely demanding. I am not competing and comparing but we do not have quite periods. Nothing to do - I don't know what this is. I would like to manage my yelling and pushy peers ...I think the best is if you can stay cool and not allow the stress to overcome you.
I do not show this at work and try to be calm, but it affects my private life and family. So rather prefer something quiter and less stressful and am happy to be less paid.
General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: What type of company do you work for?
on: September 16, 2014, 01:41:54 pm
This topic might be dead but I decided to include my input. I came from a complaints department in our representative for a large telecommunications company. Had to do a course/certificates when came to the UK to prove that I can do any admin job. Whilst studding for an Exec PA I worked in a big oxford circus retail store for 7 months - hated it. Then obtained a college administrator job in the college I did my degree. It was a privatly held college for Secretarial/PA diplomas. Really enjoyed the private qualification filed, great colleagues, students and experience. Moved for greater salary as corporate receptionist for a security company and after 3 months became the head receptionist. After two years joined the managment team as fm administrator in the same building and work for a the largest globaly property managing agent. Commercial properties. Enjoy it very much but still want to move as a PA/EA to only one individual as I currently support 4 members of the team and sometimes their opinions on the same toopic clash and confront. Being on the edge all the time is a bit tiring.
General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: What are the differences between an Admin., Exec., and Personal Assistant?
on: September 12, 2014, 11:43:10 am
Thank you Atlanta Z3. I work for a large commercial property organisation, but am a part of a small team on site, with a building manager and another 3 managers for hard and soft services. Our HR is in another building and responsible for the whole country but I am the one dealing with accounts, marketing, holiday and training of the team. Also have a team of receptionist reporting on to me/my line manager. Just thought they will not increase my salary or position in the next year and I am experienced and formally qualified to be office manager. Also involved in tendering, SLAs+KPIs, office moves, presentations etc. A bit annoying that if they not give me an opportunity to progress I will have to look for another 'Administrator' job again ...
General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: Friends at work
on: June 03, 2014, 12:23:37 pm
Not too sure anymore. When I worked back home I established friend-work relationships with most of the collegues I've worked with. Work was done and also whatever happenned after work was kept private.
Since I am here this is not the case. I have a line manager who is harassing me and pretends to be my friend. Do not understand that. How can you treat someone like sh.. and claim you are friendly?
General Discussion / Sound Off! / Re: High stress jobs
on: March 20, 2014, 12:14:59 pm
I will definatelly consider a less paid job for less hours and less stress. I reached a level where my children and their wellbeing is more important and would like to support them and be part of the precious moments. I have a very bossy (almost harassing) manager, no 1 hour break for lunch (actually everyone is expected to sit in the office to take the calls and be avaialble even when eating their lunch at the desk). If you express a wish to get out even for 30 minutes this is a black point for your. If you leave the building at 17:00 (although it is said specificly in your contract) the others (no kids, no family) are throwing disapproving looks at you. At the end of the day I feel exhaused, nervous and with no energy for anything. Quite discouraging, isn't it? There are opportunities here for future career grow, but I will rather go part time.