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General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Motivation
on: March 29, 2012, 10:21:58 pm
Believe me I am thankful to have a job and the life I live and being healthy. For the most part I enjoy coming to work every day, facing new challenges finding new things to learn. Just at the moment the phase is blue. I know we all go through it, is the answer just to find the good things in your life and move on? This time that just isn't working for me, and it doesn't help that most of my co-workers are in the same rut. I bake all the time for the office and try to bring my smiling face to work, find ways to get my bosses to laugh.
I actually think a title change would make a difference for me, but I don't even want to get my hopes on that if it doesn't or can't happen. I do like the idea of changing the work space, I have a few plants maybe something brighter cheerier nearby.
General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Motivation
on: March 29, 2012, 02:30:55 am
How do you stay motivated?
I've been in my position almost four years. There have been a lot of changes, new bosses, new responsibilities even training coworkers as they joined the company. My company merged with another company in 2010, which brought almost double the work load, long hours, and frankly some job satisfaction that we were able to keep our heads above water! After all that, there will not be any bonuses this year and most likely not any raises. The company is public and all about the stock price and the bottom line.
I want to stay in my current position and am trying to find the positives other than a short commute and not having to learn a new company and new people. I'm disheartened after all the hard work that there will not be any kind of monetary reward and I'm having a hard time keeping positive, looking for more efficient ways to work, and being the consummate admin.
How do you stay motivated? Would a position title change be enough, flex time in work hours (4-10s), extra vacation or what other perks would make up the difference in not getting a bonus or raise?
General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Re: Stretching the truth
on: March 29, 2012, 02:08:17 am
It always amazes me what people put on shared drives. I have found their iTunes music, family photo albums, resumes, health information and the best one a list of their passwords for their private life! I admit I have a copy of my resume buried in my drive that is only supposed to be accessed by me, not on our share drive. I've been caught flat footed so to speak where we were asked to provide resumes for our current position the same day it was asked. That time I called my husband to email it to me.
General Discussion / Admins 4 Admins / Loosen Up
on: July 01, 2009, 05:21:33 pm
Hi folks - question on a review. I was given a mark lower than expected on customer service. Basically my boss told me to lighten up and try not to be so professional. I was floored, horrified and still in a bit of shock. I've been an admin for over 20 years and had my stints of receiptionist duty. My boss and I are in the same age group so it isn't a generation situation. I do work in a corporate office and have the gate keeper attitude, but I can't think of a single instance where I have been rude, possibly shorter than necessary when busy. I asked another admin in the office for her opinion and we are both a bit stumped. So the question is how can a seasoned (read in a rut professional) admin change her stripes and lighten up? What could be some conversations that are more familiar that are not personal that could be had with internal managers or directors? Help I'm really struggling with this!