tIvana like I said, we all have a different definition and level of stress tolerance. What stresses me about my job might not seem like a big deal to you and vice-versa
I was in a situation a couple of years ago where my job was just so completely stressful that it actually made me physically sick

It wasn't that I was overworked or under a lot of time pressure, but rather it had a lot to do with the people I worked with. They are perfectly wonderful people, very kind and understand. What was the problem? They embraced me a little too much. It is a family-owned business and I became part of their family. I am not a real warm and fuzzy person; I fully embrace the fact that I am actually rather cold and standoffish. So by involving me in their family dynamics they actually caused me (unintentionally) a lot of stress. It really wasn't their fault, it's their company and they have every right to run it as they see fit or how best suits their needs. It was just not for me. It took me a while to realize this. I hate quiting anything and I felt I HAD to make it work, especially because I really am fond of these folks - I just don't want to work with them. I finally made change and landed at a place MUCH better suited to my personality. I am under a lot more pressure and a lot is expected of me, but my stress level has decreased tremendously and I am much happier.
Right now it sounds like your job is really taking a toll on you and affecting your personal life. That's really awful. I hope you find a way to remedy the situation soon. We all deserve to be happy and our jobs are a big part of it. I wish you the best of luck