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President Bush Speech
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Topic: President Bush Speech (Read 3288 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 3187
President Bush Speech
February 28, 2001, 10:29:10 am »
I listened to most of President Bushs' speech and while I agreed with most of it, you have to wonder, most of the room was split right down the middle, when Republicans were cheering Democrats were sitting on their hands. You have to wonder how much of what President Bush was saying last night will actually get acomplished this way. Don't they realize that Bush was taking this to the people and congress for a reason, he really wants to work together with both sides on the issues, but I believe he should stand firm on his believe of tax relief for everyone and stick to his plan. I hope special interest groups, etc. do not sway his strong belief in his plan. I like the fact he is sticking to his guns. I just hope that things go his way, but you have to wonder watching the room last night. "Lets take a different direction." I really hope it works.
All in all, it was a good speech, but I think he just covered way too much of his agenda and not for the purpose at hand, initially the tax relief.
My two cents, for what it's worth. Would like to have other input on the President's speech.
Hero Member
Posts: 707
Pres. Bush Speech
Reply #1
March 02, 2001, 08:46:14 pm »
You know I'd love to give you some feedback; unfortunately, I missed it. Anybody know where we can locate a transcript?
Hero Member
Posts: 3187
Re: Pres. Bush Speech
Reply #2
March 05, 2001, 08:59:32 am »
I've been trying to do a seach for that speech out on the internet with no luck. I've tried msnbc and nbci.com and a few others but no speech. I'll keep searching, and with any luck, I'll post a link here for you.
Full Member
Posts: 204
Here is the link
Reply #3
March 05, 2001, 11:45:49 am »
Hey guys,
Go to:
and you will find the whole text of GWB's speech.
BTW, "The White House" is a great site, and I have visited it often ever since I got on the Internet a few years ago.
Hero Member
Posts: 546
Clinton's ideas
Reply #4
March 08, 2001, 01:54:21 am »
A few of "Bush's ideas" in his speech were proposed by Clinton during his administration (don't ask me which ones because I forget now - my husband pointed it out to me during the speech). I could just picture Bill Clinton at home watching this and muttering at the T.V. - "I had that idea last year! Good luck man!"
My question is this: If Clinton proposed the same exact ideas previously and they were shot down by Congress, what makes Bush (idea stealer) so confident that Congress won't shoot them down again?
Sure, the proposals Bush talked about sound wonderful, but that's all it really is - talk and hot air. Bush can propose anything he wants but he has no real say on what gets passed anymore than I do. Congress has to approve these things by majority vote. Sure, Bush has veto power but when it comes to passing things, he has no power.
It sounded to me that Bush was just trying to make everyone happy. This is impossible. You can't make all of the people happy all of the time. He was just trying to be popular with everyone (the elderly, schools, minorities, etc.)
Speaking of being popular with minority groups... Bush invited a couple (I think they were Latino or Hispanic) to sit in with Congress (even though they were not members of the Congress) just so he could point out that he is compassionate towards minority groups and the working class. That's spreading it on pretty thick, Mr. Bush. I was half expecting him to have a row of babies on hand so he could kiss them on national T.V. also.
That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Hero Member
Posts: 707
You're Not Wrong, Laundryhater!
Reply #5
March 08, 2001, 06:17:12 pm »
I respect and admire George W. Bush, despite many opinions to the contrary. I also believe that all politicians have their problems and it all comes down to what is personally important to you. So rail on!
Hero Member
Posts: 707
Reply #6
March 20, 2001, 12:42:19 am »
Hi! I finally read the speech. Oh, how I like our new president. Cutting taxes gives back money to the people to do what they see best. Paying off our debt. Well, now, THAT'S a novel idea. It is a grand and lofty plan, and it may not all happen at once, and it may not ever happen in its entirety, but I love the idea of America returning to Ronald Reagan's idea of how best to make the country work. Make it easier for EVERYBODY to have money to invest, and for EVERYBODY to be educated, and EVERYBODY to be rewarded for hard work, well done. Of course, no plan will never be entirely just. That's life. To those who would say it just throws money back into the hands of the rich, I say as long as the rich know what to do with it (giving some of it back to help their communities and the poor), I say more power to that plan. It inspires me greatly that the American Dream is still alive and kickin'. Waves flag one last time, turns out the lights. (If there are flaws in the plan, I choose not to see them at this point, because I see so much potential good. I say we go for it! Now we just need to get Mr. Greenspan to do his part - - soon.)
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