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Author Topic: Five years ago and now  (Read 14591 times)
susan silva
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« on: April 25, 2012, 02:46:26 am »

If you think back to where you were 5 years ago and where you are now, do you think you are where you wanted to be or do you think 5 years ago you thought you would be doing something else or at a different place in your life?  Life changes do fast, have you gone down the path you thought you would?   
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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 07:49:37 am »


I'm just glad to still be employed.  Five years ago I was in a different job with a different company and never thought I would have had to move again or be faced with redundancy.

These days we have very little say in where we want to be and what we want to do as recession has dictated that and companies are on a downward spiral trying to stay afloat and in profit.

I don't go looking for things that aren't there but I have been successful anywhere I've worked and my CV proves that.  I wouldn't have worked for some of the companies I have, if it hadn't been for hard work and determination, even if I had to fit in and prove myself along the way.
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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 08:24:38 am »

I agree, Gee.  I am just glad I have a job now that pays a decent (or indeed any) salary.

5 years ago I had a house of my own but no secure employment beyond what I could get temping at a very basic wage (2 people living off very little plus subsidising 3 growing step-children).

No I have a decent job but no house to call my own and the step-children have got more expensive but at least I don't have to finance them any more!

Swings and roundabouts!
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« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 09:50:32 am »

My situation hasn't changed workwise in the last five years - still in the same wonderful job (and have been for almost 9 years now) and consider myself to be very very fortunate and lucky, own my own home, have my dog (another coming soon!!) and reasonably contented with life.

Long may it continue. Smiley - touch wood (my head!)

Chatham Lady
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« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2012, 01:06:10 pm »


I too am glad to be in work, having faced redundancy and its associated uncertainty this time last year.  Five years ago I thought things were going along very smoothly.  I'd found a nice all-round part-time role that suited my work style, a great and understanding boss and a quick commute each way from home.  Little did I know then that two company takeovers and the recession would mean a great change to both my working and home lives.  It certainly wasn't what I'd planned to go back to working full-time when the youngest of two dkids was still at primary school but, fingers crossed, as she moves to senior school in Sept. 2012, things will be a little easier.  Mind you we're "suffering" from GSCE exam pressure indoors at the moment with the eldest, so perhaps I've spoken too soon!

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« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 03:58:02 pm »

Many things have changed in my personal life, more so than my professional life. Although I am working somewhere different, I am actually coming up on my five year anniversary this year, so not by much.

In the last five years, we have lost my mother, hubby's grandfather (both expected and - while sad, very much also a relief that they are in a better place), and hubby's father (in a very unexpected freak accident).

On the professional side, things have gone much as I anticipated and I do have plans in mind for the future, but expect some will change around as I foresee a move and job changes in the not too distant future. So I am preparing myself for those steps.
Atlanta Z3
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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 04:23:33 pm »

Five years ago I was taking a paralegal class.  I finished the course, but did not have any intention of legal field as I know a lot of CEOs are non practicing attorneys.  I was looking to round out my resume with more legal experience and had some thoguhts of law school.  I'm now a legal assistant to two in house assistant general counsels and over all life is good.  Nice office, very short commute, gym access, and challenging positiion.  It's not perfect, but then is any job? 
Is it exactly where I thought I would be, no.  My goal was supporting the CEO and only the CEO or maybe CEO and one other person.  I've been in my current position almost four years which is longer than my previous recent positions (averaging about two years) and the boss that hired me left the company.  I'm adjusting to their style as they are adjusting to mine.  I have to remind myself life isn't all about the job.  Married many years to a wonderful man, happy home and heart - jobs will come and go.
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« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 11:04:01 pm »

Ah, I can't say I am where I had hoped I would be, as changes in the workplace have me in a strange and challenging situation at this time.  But, at the end of the day, it is all about who you come home to, and this too shall pass.  Thankful to be married to my hubby and love my kids. 
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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2012, 07:55:44 pm »

5 years ago I had hopes to be in a management position in this company.  I attained that wish, first as an Asst Coach and then as a Coach, and am now very glad to report that I voluntarily stepped back out of those positions to be a "worker bee" again.  Was it what I expected it to be?  Yes and no.  Upper management made it more stressful here than anywhere else, so I decided to step out of that stress due to stresses in my personal life, and later on I can step back into that type of position when the stresses will be different.
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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2012, 09:30:27 pm »

Five years ago I was employed and a regular on these boards Smiley  I was in a job I was beginning to resent and so when redundancy reared it's head I started up on my own.  Always wanted to be a Virtual Assistant and have had 4 years working for myself now.  I've loved (and hated it equally) and I am really glad I did it, however I'm heading back into employment now because I've satisfied the initial challenge and am just not enjoying it as much as I would like.

I have learned a whole load more than I ever would have done whilst employed, my business skills are much more focused and I feel I am a much better PA for it. 

I have a second interview tomorrow so fingers crossed I can put that experience into practice Smiley

Callie Smiley
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« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2012, 12:48:14 am »

Good luck Callie.  Keep us posted on your progress.
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« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2012, 11:22:46 am »

If we go back exactly five years I was PA at a different company, I was made redundant in the autumn - which came out of the blue.

Now, like most, I am just happy to have a job.

Wishing you luck Callie Smiley
Chatham Lady
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« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2012, 02:03:57 pm »

Hi Callie

How did the 2nd interview go then?  Fingers crossed for you!


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