Reading over what happened in Birmingham this morning, and the nut at O'hare over the weekend... Our way of life has always been such that we don't have to worry about those things. They could never happen around us.
I don't know why - maybe delayed reaction - but this morning I'm just remembering my visit to Israel 16+ years ago, and how I wondered how they could live under that constant anxiety.
One day our tour was somewhere a bus of school children also visited, and DH and I just about had a cow when the first, then every 10th person off the bus was an adult with an automatic weapon! Our tour guide (who moved from the US to Israel as an adult) realized then that he had not given our group the shpeil about how on school field trips it is a law that for every 10 children there must be an adult with a gun.
Could you live like that? They've been doing it for years, and I can't say I'd want to live without laws like that if I lived there, but it's just so foreign to me...
Your thoughts?