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Author Topic: Animals in the office?  (Read 76998 times)
Jr. Member
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« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2012, 01:52:10 pm »

I do not believe this is a controversial topic, and one that shouldn't be discussed on a professional networking site - animals in the office is something that is happening, and something that we all have a view on, but please respect that not everyone has the same opinion as you.

Sound Off (and the Forum) is exactly the place to exchange views, ideas, etc and stimulate discussion, but not to inflame or offend others.

If anyone feels this topic was not for them, then please do not participate or find/start a thread that you do want to discuss.

Thank you.
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« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2012, 02:34:00 pm »


Out of interest does you company allow assistance dogs in their offices?

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« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2012, 02:35:23 pm »

I do not believe this is a controversial topic, and one that shouldn't be discussed on a professional networking site - animals in the office is something that is happening, and something that we all have a view on, but please respect that not everyone has the same opinion as you.

Sound Off (and the Forum) is exactly the place to exchange views, ideas, etc and stimulate discussion, but not to inflame or offend others.

If anyone feels this topic was not for them, then please do not participate or find/start a thread that you do want to discuss.

Thank you.

Well said Alison Smiley
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« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2012, 03:12:48 pm »

I find it interesting that everyone assumes that animals in the office must refer to cats or dogs...  I know MANY offices that have aquariums in them.  Fish are animals too, and I think that is where the 1 of every 5 offices in the US statistic may come from.  I do not see that many offices really allowing cats and dogs in, though I know of several (especially mom and pop places) that do have one or the other.  Employees know about it beforehand, so if it's not to their liking, they can work elsewhere.  Same with customers... if they see the pet and don't want to be around it, then don't go into the store.  It's all a personal choice, and it is the owner's personal choice to bring their pet to their workplace and not hire/maintain workers that don't like it, or keep customers who don't like it.

As for cleanliness of pets... I know most of the dogs that are brought into the workplace are bathed regularly, are not allowed to run around outside and roll in all sorts of stuff, even have their teeth brushed daily, and basically are cleaner than any kids running in and out of the house.  Animals that go into hospitals and nursing homes and such must graudate a behavior class, to ensure that they are well behaved in a myriad of circumstances, are clean, etc. and have been shown to lift spirits and improve the health of the patients.  Is it for everyone, no.  Do you have the option of having one visit?  yes.

As for some facts...  not all animals shed, and there are hypo-allergenic dogs that are cute and cuddly!  Animals are discriminating about where they do their business and many are trained to go in specific areas or locations.  Not all animals are allowed to climb all over furniture, this is a personal decision one makes with each pet.  Depending on how responsible the owners are, the type of pet, etc, one can have a pet and no one else, including someone entering your residence, would ever know it was there.  The same goes for a pet in a business.

Do I think that pets should be allowed willy-nilly in any business?  No.  Do I think that there are some where it is appropriate or acceptable?  Yes.  Would I like to work at one?  Yes.  However, I do not feel that an office where folks are tied to a computer all day doing office work is the best business for them to be around.  Could I see some around construction offices? yes.  In a high-rise corporate office?  no.  But I'm sure that someone out there has done it and it worked... and some have tried and it failed, in both instances.

Great topic... made me think.
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« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2012, 06:28:13 pm »

At least I know where mine have been!  And no we don't have any blind or impaired people in my place of work so no animals.

I was in fact referring to all animals but those were the ones that came to mind simply because of my personal experiences with them...if you are allergic to animals, you are allergic, end of.

We have a strict policy regarding ways of working in work, animals would not favour.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 06:32:03 pm by gee4 » Logged
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« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2012, 10:33:34 pm »

if you are allergic to animals, you are allergic, end of.

Gee, I believe this is again a time when you are putting your opinion and experiences out as facts that apply to everyone, when in fact they do not.  You may be allergic to all animals, but I have a cousin who is allergic to dog dander, and she has a dog that does not have the dander, hence no allergic reaction to it.  She cannot be around any other animals with fur, other than those touted as being "hypo-allergenic", but she can be around turtles or fish or snakes, etc, basically anything without fur isn't a problem.  Poodles and some other dogs are actually described as hypo-allergenic dogs due to the fact that most folks who have an allergy to pets actually can be around them.  Is this 100% of everyone in the world?  No.  But it is a large enough percentage for the pet world to be able to describe these animals as such.  If you change your statement to read "If I'm allergic to animals, I'm allergic, end of." then that would be your personal experience and irrefutible.  You may  fall into the percentage that cannot be around even these pets, I don't know and would never try to contradict you regarding your experiences, but neither you nor I can speak on behalf of everyone.

I do feel that even in a hectic work environment, around computers and sterile environments, that an aquarium is a nice calming addition.  Most doctor's office and dentist's offices use aquariums as a decoration in their lobbies due to the calming affect of watching fish swim around and around... the soothing white noise from the aerators... and have someone who comes in and takes care of cleaning the tanks and such so no employee is expected to do this.  The more I thought about this today, the more I believe that an aquarium in my current company would be a big help.  We have a high stress environment... must meet production and quality standards every day to keep our job... deal with irrate customers constantly... and an aquarium in our break area I think would be a nice destressing agent.  I may have to recommend that to my Director....  hmmmmm......
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« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2012, 07:50:50 am »

Don't put me down for having a voice.  I speak from personal experience and at present animals would not favour in my working envirionment or anyone else's I know of.

Lots of people have allergies and reactions or are intolerant to certain elements, that's why you have to make the workplace a safe environment.  Can you imagine the sick record if people who came into contact with animals suddenly took ill?  Who would be to blame then?  Management of course for letting it happen.

Like I said, honest every day experiences are what I bring to this forum, not made up ones. 

I know several people who cannot and would not be around animals in any situation. 

We have just finally had a smoking ban brought into the UK and Europe after many years of people suffering at the hands of others.  You seriously think employers want more court cases on their hands by bringing animals into an environment which is against health and safety?
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« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2012, 09:06:17 am »

At least I know where mine have been!  And no we don't have any blind or impaired people in my place of work so no animals.

You might know where your shoes have been but if you have been walking on a pavement, do you know exactly what was on that pavement before you - that was all.   We were talking about this sort of thing in our office one day and one of the guys said he had read somewhere that handbags can be just as bad at carrying round germs etc because alot of us tend to put them on the floor, then without thinking we put them on our desk or chair etc. 

But what if someone was attending a meeting in your offices that was blind or visually impaired and had a guide dog?
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« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2012, 09:14:42 am »

Coincidentally I was looking at a job description yesterday for a post at Guide Dogs for the Blind and on the essential list of criteria is says 'Comfortable with dogs in the workplace/ office'.  There is also a place on the application form which asks if you have any allergies.  Now because I do suffer from allergies I wouldn't be put off from applying as I can control them and would never sacrifice my love of animals.

I guess there are someone people that wouldn't apply for a job with GDB because of animals being in the office but I would because I love animals, love being round animals.

At the end of the day its each to their own, every loves animals in their own way I guess its just a case of how much Smiley
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« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2012, 09:57:33 am »

As I said previously Coz, shoes are cleaned or left at the back to my postings.  Do you clean your shoes every day after walking your dog?  Do you walk with those shoes into your house?  Does you dog walk into your house?

Given the nature of the company I work for and what we do, it would be impossible for a blind or visually impaired person to deal with our working environment for reasons I cannot go into.

I have never worked with a blind or visually impaired person so have never seen animals or dogs in the workplace.  At a guess I am assuming the blind or visually impaired would not be suitable for all types of work.

I heard only the other day a guide dog stopped (with his owner) in the middle of the road to have a poo.  A driver pulled over, got out of his car, and went to the aid of the blind person who had no idea he was in the middle of the road nor that his dog had stopped there.  You can see where this would be a liability in any workplace.

Again, given the nature and location of some places of work, it is not acceptable to have animals nor acceptable to expect employees to accept that working environement either.  We also have never had a blind or visually impaired person visit for a meeting, so again, no dogs on site.
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« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2012, 10:00:20 am »

 We were talking about this sort of thing in our office one day and one of the guys said he had read somewhere that handbags can be just as bad at carrying round germs etc because alot of us tend to put them on the floor, then without thinking we put them on our desk or chair etc.

A designer bag on the floor...never! Cheesy
Jackie G
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« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2012, 11:56:03 am »

A programme on this years ago said that as women predominantly put their bags on the floor in a toilet, the bags do carry more germs than almost anything else.  Thank goodness for hooks on doors.

As for the smoking ban, this came into force in Scotland quite some time ago.  It hasn't gone far enough but then was done on health grounds, as this is a matter devolved to the Scottish Parliament.  England, Wales and Northern Ireland took a little longer to decide on this matter, but I believe there has been a no smoking ban in force in the US for some considerable time now and so far ahead of us on this side of the Atlantic!
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« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2012, 12:26:37 pm »

Popping into this thread rather late but it made me think that if I had a tank of fish within my vision, when I felt a bit stressed or under pressure, I could glance up and watch them for a short time and am certain this would have the desired effect.

Thought about this yesterday when I was in the opticians where they had a tank of brightly coloured fish - it really was calming just watching them glide gently around.
Jackie G
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« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2012, 12:45:42 pm »

Can't remember if I said but we have a large aquarium in our reception area, and our housing team has a wee tank with one pretty big fish in it (pretty-big not pretty + big), it's really ugly!
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« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2012, 03:38:44 pm »

Mmmmm, hadn't thought that if a tank was installed it could contain some 'uglies'.... now that wouldn't be relaxing would it.  Nothing is quite as simple as it appears, so now if my request is approved, I will have to ensure that I choose the 'pretties' otherwise my plan for relaxing glances at it will fail ........... will have to give this some thought Smiley

Then again, perhaps even ugly ones move gracefully so that would be calming but if it has an angry looking face, may as well just go and look at the boss for 10 minutes, ooops, who said that, only joking Cool

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