« on: November 13, 2001, 04:55:59 pm » |
Think about it Kittie, here you have a truly explosive potential in what's been posted here. People often can't talk rationally about religion or politics, let alone the two combined and yet no one lost their tempers, no one slung around any mud, people aired their views and took the other's viewpoint without blowing up, (A situation we've seen sometimes in the US Message Boards).
Perhaps people are more tolerant, more willing to listen to others, less willing to toss in a firebrand where a careful word would do just as well, I don't know, but I DO know that I See it in these message boards, people communicating at a level that might not have been possible before.
Sharing of oneself, putting things that are felt strongly "out there" for others to see, read, and respond too, takes a special kind of courage, having the maturity to NOT respond in a hateful or ugly manner takes even more courage I think.
There's courage aplenty in this forum today...Well Done ladies, Well done!