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Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
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Topic: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk? (Read 41179 times)
Jackie G
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Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #15
January 13, 2004, 03:14:12 pm »
Euugh plastic stirrers - horrible!
As for it's only men who spill drinks and make a mess, don't you believe it. Women are just as bad.
What worries me is what are their kitchens like at home?!
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Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #16
January 13, 2004, 03:24:25 pm »
Its a different story at home as its "their" kitchen and "their" responsiblity. At the office it seems not to be the case. I know what you mean cause I'm constantly wiping down the counters all day long as well as our cleaning service each night. I would hate to think what our nice new kitchen would look like by now if I didn't. It's only a year old and I itend to keep it looking new as long as possible.
We have the same issue with dishes, coffee cups, etc being left behind on the counter for days on end. But thats a whole nother thread entirely.
Peer Moderator
Posts: 31
Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #17
January 14, 2004, 12:27:55 pm »
I'm glad this has been raised as I've always wondered whether I should be as compliant as I am about having to make coffee for my boss (it is in my job description).
I work in local government and, as far as I'm aware, all the director's secretaries make coffee for their bosses (however everyone else also has an assistant to share this chore with). I think it's a culture/tradition thing - the management here can be quite old school.
To be honest, my boss is quite good to work for so I don't mind all that much but when I started the job it didn't sit comfortably with me. I wouldn't say I felt it was demeaning but making coffee for boss and for meetings and doing all the washing up is definitely my least favourite job (especially since I was told when I started not to ask for a dishwasher). Even now I get a little irritated when my boss asks for coffee (and I privately I think he feels a little awkward asking) and get round it by providing coffee before he asks or offering it to him.
I get the impression from the other posts that I'm in a minority here and wish that my boss could be more modern but I don't feel strongly enough about the issue to raise it with him. In fact, another secretary here made a sex discrimination claim to the Industrial Tribunal arising from being asked to make coffee but lost (although as far as I could see the actual issue of making coffee wasn't really addressed). If anyone's interested I think the details of the case are published on the web.
Jr. Member
Posts: 57
Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #18
January 14, 2004, 06:20:34 pm »
I've waited to weigh in on this issue because I wanted to see what everyone else had to say. I have been very fortunate in that I have never really been asked (on a regular basis) to provide coffee for any of my bosses. I think it has a great deal to do with the kinds of bosses I've had the pleasure of working with (more "new school" than old guard). In the past, though, I have made "coffee runs" to the cafeteria of a former job to purchase coffee for meetings (very infrequently), and have made the coffee in an urn for meetings in my present position. Lately, though, if we need coffee for meetings, we just order in a continental breakfast. The gentleman I'm working for now drinks iced tea that he gets himself. The one before that would stop for coffee on his way in (he arrived much earlier than I did!).
All that to say....I don't think it should be in anyone's job description to get coffee, but, if you offer to get it when you're getting yours, or they offer to get yours when they're getting theirs, that's okay. It should be common courtesy that dictates it, not duty. Frankly, I am usually too busy to drop everything to get someone a cup of coffee. Besides, I'm a tea drinker.
But that's just my opinion.
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Posts: 155
Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #19
January 14, 2004, 11:20:48 pm »
In my previous job, I would get my own coffee and beverage and ask my boss if he wanted a drink while I was on my way. He also did the same for me when he was not busy so I never mided doing so. I don't ever mind getting coffee or a drink for my boss or guests as long as they are not taking advantage of the fact that I would get it for them.
Posts: 10
Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #20
January 16, 2004, 08:01:08 pm »
We all check in with each other when one of us is heading over to the cafeteria. If someone is getting a soda or coffee of something, they always ask if "anyone else needs anything?"
The fact that we have a really good team atmosphere here seems to help!
:O) Kat the Clerical
Sr. Member
Posts: 323
Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #21
January 23, 2004, 12:03:29 am »
I always make my bosses tea/coffee. It has never occurred to me that they would make their own! They have their drinks at set times of the day and I pretty much view it as part of my routine.
When I worked in the computer department, my boss and I took it in turns, but it was kind of a different sort of relationship to the one I have with my current boss.
I sort of like taking care of him! I don't mean that to sound weird, but I know that it must be really stressful for him running the company so I guess bringing him the odd drink to keep him going can't hurt!
I always make the refreshments for visitors as well. I took someone's advice from this forum about making a note in your Outlook Contacts file about how people like their tea/coffee and it really seems to impress them when you 'remember'!
Best wishes to all,
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Re: Week of January 12th- coffee, tea or milk?
Reply #22
January 23, 2004, 05:58:10 am »
Everyone in my office tends to fetch for themselves, as we have a variety of tastes. If we have special events, I'm invariably asked to arrange the breakfast(s) and/or lunches, which I don't mind as it's a break from my normal routine and is not an every-day occurance. If anyone does head to the canteen, we customarily ask if anyone else needs a drink/snack, in case someone doesn't have the time to sneak away, so it's really a team effort at getting beverages.
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