Words like "hoagie", "crick", "chipped ham", "sticky buns", "shoo-fly pie", "pierogies" and "pocketbook" actually mean something to you
A hoagie is a sandwhich, like a sub, a crick is what you go splash around in when it gets hot, or where you fish for crawdads, sticky buns are gooey messes that are like smashed sweetrolls, with white icing on them, and a pocket book is a purse... the rest I have no clue.

Course, my definition of these might not be right, as these are Southern explanations.

You carry jumper cables in your car and your female passengers know how to use them.
•You still keep kitty litter, starting fluid, de-icer, or a snow brush in your trunk, even if you now live in the south
I resemble these remarks!!! But that's from my time in the Great White North (South Dakota), and are not lessons you ever UNlearn!
Other than that... Guess it's safe to say I'm NOT from Philly.

Thanks for sharing! And I hope someone can translate my first quote to me with the ACTUAL meanings. Curiousity will get me for sure on those!