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Author Topic: Hormone Replacement Therapy  (Read 5689 times)
Hero Member
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« on: March 31, 2006, 05:21:58 pm »

I've noticed in the news that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a very controversial subject.  Some medical professionals claim that it is essential and beneficial.  Other medical experts claim that HRT is potentially deadly.  What are your thoughts and opinions on this subject?

Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 06:06:23 pm »

For myself, I hope to stay away from HRT.  My feeling is that what my body is going through is a natural process (all I have to do is survive it!).  And to me, HRT is "messing with nature".  Now, maybe I'll change my mind as I continue the journey (it's just starting for me), but that's how I feel about it as it relates to my body.

Kind of funny you should mention this, since not 15 minutes I was just moaning to my coworkers that I would be glad when my hormones finally straighten out - maybe then I'll get a good night's sleep!

Which is a good point for me to bring up.  My problem with sleep isn't night sweats (at least not yet).  My problem is that I've been dreaming so much that I don't feel rested.  This has been going on for the last couple of years during the same time that my periods have become sporadic.  There's got to be a connection.  My dr. poo-poos it - saying the only menopause sleep-related problem is night sweats - since I don't have those, that can't be the problem.  But then he's a man - what the heck does he know!  Does anybody else out there have this problem or has heard of this problem?

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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 08:14:01 pm »

I had a hysterectomy (sp?) about 4 years ago and have been taking HRT ever since.  I did try once during this period, going without my "patch" for about two months, just to see if there was any difference, and believe me, there was!  I will not try that again anytime soon.

I know every person is different and you have to do what is best for your body, but as for now, HRT is the better choice for me.  After years of feeling bad and being in constant pain from female issues, I feel better now than I can ever remember feeling.  

I have had to have my dosage "tweaked" over the last six months, as the night sweats and hot flashes started coming back.  But since then, no problems.

As for the doctor brushing your concerns aside, mine did the same thing for years.  When he retired, I started seeing the doctor that replaced him.  When I started telling him my history of problems, he basically said that I shouldn't be having them and he would attempt to find the cause of them.  If your doctor is not listening to you, please find one who will.  

Sorry to be so long winded in my post.


Hero Member
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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2006, 08:43:08 pm »

I couldn't agree with you more.  Of course, I haven't had the problems that Marie has with pain, hysterectomy, etc.  My big problem is the HOT flashes and night SWEATS!!!  Oh my God.  I refuse (up to this point anyway) to go the HRT route.  Those hormones are so powerful that I don't want to mess with Mother Nature.  In Marie's case, she had everything removed, so she is at a distinct disadvantage.  She really doesn't have a choice.

I've been enduring this for 4 years now doing it naturally with the exception of the brief time I tried the natural hormonal cream.  If I remember correctly, it was made from yams.  Everytime I applied that cream to my body as instructed, I would start bleeding.  That scared me that even the natural hormones are so powerful.

The hot flashes are the worst at night when I am trying to sleep.  The night sweats are awful!  I have sweat coming out of pores that I didn't even know sweat could come out of.  The hot flashes feel like there is a heater core inside my body and someone plugs it in.  They come on so fast.  I hate to change positions, because almost every time I change positions, I get another hot flash with bonus of night sweats.  It sure would be nice to be able to sleep through the night again.  I heard that this can go on for 10 years!  Is that so?

SpitFire, I have always had wild dreams all my life, so I can't comment on that one.

Marie, I'm glad the HRT is working for you and making you feel better.


Edited by whitesatin on 31/03/06 08:46 PM.

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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2006, 09:00:59 pm »

I haven't hit this yet, but my mother went through this and her doctor recommended she take a daily dose of Vitamin B6.  This moderated her moods and her other hormonal issues.  She swore by this, and knew if she'd missed it even by one day.  Of course, my father nick-named it her b*tch vitamin, since that was what he noticed the most.  Her doctor said it was something that women could start taking anytime, as it helped with menstrating hormonal issues as well as the stopping of them, so I'm taking my daily dose.  For my mother, this was in addition to a multivitamin for her age.  I'm not into the multivitamin, so I just take the B6 and press on.  I do notice that during my cycle it's helped with my moodiness and cramping.

The one thing I do know is that each person has to do what they think is right for them.  Therefore I'm not saying I will or will not use HRT... when I'm crossing that bridge, I'll make up my mind and do what's best for me.  I'm glad to hear that you all are doing the same.

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« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 05:40:14 pm »

Ugh. I've been dealing with this for far too long. I wish my uterus was disposable!

I've had a wide array of issues. My gyn has been "this close" to agreeing that a hysterectomy would be best for me at a few points in the past few years. I've been on numerous birth control pills (tubes tied long ago - just using BCP for the hormones) and have now, for about a month, a Mirena.

The best thing I have found for night sweats and hot flashes is Estroven.


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« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 07:28:19 pm »

Sound like the same thing I went through.  I had the tubal, went back on birth control pills, and finally tried Depo Provera shots for awhile, but eventually got to the point that nothing helped.  Hope everything works out for you.  


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« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2006, 08:10:37 pm »

Hi ya

I am on HRT as had a total hysterectomy 8 years ago and immediately was put on Premarin 1.25mg.  

For me its the best thing, a few times i have forgotten to take the tablet and it has got me later in the day at work, hot sweats, flushes etc which is a bit embarrassing when you are at work and all you want to do is strip

Anyway, i have been told i have to be on it for at least until my late 60s.  I am 38 now so i have to be careful with reference to Breast Cancer as I had a scare last year and had to have a mammogram etc and have to go back again in September for the same again just to make sure.

Each person is individual when they take HRT as it effects you in different ways.

There are a lot of scare stories but i feel that they are no more than scaremongering and you are the only person who can decide whether you go on HRT or continue to take it.  Me, myself i know the risks and am happy to continue to take mine as it makes me feel calmer and happier in myself.

Hope the above helps and good luck.
Love lynnk xx

Judy Loux
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« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 10:21:48 am »


I can smypathize with you.  I'm 63 and the only problems I have had and still have are really weird dreams.  When they first wake me I sort of remember them but once I get back to sleep and wake up again I can't remember the specifics just that they were either weird or really scary.  I have not had a restful nights sleep in so long I forget what it is like.


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« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2006, 10:00:33 pm »

wonder of wonders - I'm not crazy after all!  Or at least if I am, there is another person out there who also is crazy.  

The only thing that depresses me is that I am 45.  Since you are 63 and still having these problems, it doesn't bode well for my future, does it?

Jr. Member
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« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2006, 02:00:23 pm »

You're not crazy! We're all different :-) HRT has been a godsend to me; I was getting a lot of pain in the long bones in my legs, that I put down to the resonant wooden flooring in the office I was working in. Wrong! After tests, my GP diagnosed osteoporosis and put me on max dose HRT (patches) and Vitamin C and D supplements, plus a regular impact exercise programme. I have regular bone mass tests, my scores are improving all the time and I'm pain-free. If you're post-menopausal, and have pain in your joints or long bones, then see your doctor, even if you don't have the hot flushes etc. HRT doesn't have to be the answer for osteoporosis, there are non-hormonal treatents.


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