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Topic: Office Layout (Read 20829 times)
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Hero Member
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Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #30
March 20, 2007, 04:41:39 pm »
Gee, spitfire brings up some very valid points for you to think about though, and some of your postings are concerning of his attitudes towards you. You should still have dicsussions with him on how to handle these situations you've mentioned to clarify how he wants things done.
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Hero Member
Posts: 508
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #31
March 22, 2007, 02:06:51 pm »
They may feel that it is more benefit for you to remain with the CEO's PA if you need to liase with her over meetings, etc.. I was in a similar situation a few years ago when we had teams in different buildings (ca. 5 mins apart). In the end bossie and I were in separate locations, but this actually worked quite well. Like your directors, he was quite self sufficient so didn't need me at his beck and call. The relationship I had with other staff in order to 'get stuff done' worked better with me being based with them. Bossie and I would have meetings in the different locations and so would arrange to meet up face to face when we were around - usually at least once a day.
Also, they may know that the CEO has spoken to you, so haven't had the urgency to tell you themselves. I'm sure they just don't realise how this all looks from your perspective (it doesn't sound like communication skills are their key skills).
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #32
April 04, 2007, 11:23:32 am »
Well, it's all happening this week. Two lots of colleagues behind me are relocating to another part of the building. It's strange - we all lunch together and although we still work for the same company, things won't be the same. I guess I feel like this because it took me some months to adjust when I started and now that I have adapted, things are changing again.
As I said before my 2 directors are moving also and one remains particularly difficult to deal with which is frustrating. He insisted this morning I hadn't sent him a weekly report and yet when I attached it again (onto the original email), for example, and sent it, he still finds something to nitpick at.
I have offered to sit down and discuss how best I can continue to work for him given we will be on different floors. His attitude is, same as always, just pop down and carry on as normal. He's not the most forthcoming and as ever I feel I'm not doing a good enough job for him. My only saving grace is the CEO's PA who started here in January has experienced some of this from him herself and she is convinced it's his problem, not mine.
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #33
April 18, 2007, 01:52:38 pm »
Well my 2 directors have been packed up, are now unpacked, relocated and fully operational.
However we still have the problem which I raised with them weeks ago - filing. There is no point me going downstairs to leave post etc and take a pile of stuff back upstairs only to find it's filing as all their files are in their office. It happened yesterday - I brought down minutes of a meeting and the next thing one of them had left them on my desk later with a note saying, please file in...
I was also asked to make tea and bring it down to the 1st floor for visitors which in any workplace is a health and safety issue but I think this matter is being addressed eg possible fridge being provided for them which I can use on 1st floor. I approached the subject of being on different floors weeks ago and no-one seemed to anticipate any problems, except of course, me.
Have you experienced this scenario and if so, how best did you overcome any issues eg. how often should I pop down to see them - once a day, twice, more?
Sr. Member
Posts: 460
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #34
April 18, 2007, 02:29:04 pm »
Oh Lord, what a nightmare!! It's just the two directors that you work for, isn't it? Why on earth weren't you relocated onto the same floor? (I see that you broached the subject a couple of weeks ago.) Was that too sensible an option?
I love that they brought the filing all the way up to you when they probably passed the filing cabinets on the way ... how daft is that? And very frustrating for you.
Maybe once they've done that once or twice (or more) they might think about relocating you!
Never had to deal with that scenario before - I've always been lucky enough to work nearby (and within eye-sight of) my boss(es). I have had the visitors' refreshment problem to deal with though - and that was downstairs, also. Soon solved that problem when I managed to drop a tray of teacups on the stairs
I'd probably pay a visit twice a day - once in the morning and once mid-afternoon...
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #35
April 18, 2007, 02:46:11 pm »
I also work for our Chairman who is not always in the office. He is still on 2nd floor plus they want CEO's PA and I to cover - so it does make sense for me to remain where I am.
Amazing that something as simple as filing and making tea, can cause the most trouble!
Hero Member
Posts: 782
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #36
April 18, 2007, 04:52:34 pm »
How did you handle their filing before the move? Did you file it immediately or did you have a set time in your routine that you did it? I ask because I've known others (and often myself) filed as I went and sometimes I let it collect until the end of the day or week and did it all at once.
Short of asking them to separate out what is filing and what isn't and having a "to be filed" folder or basket in their offices, you may want to create a routine where you accumulate what needs to be filed in their area. Being busy executives they may be reluctant to do the separating for you. Plus if the information is sensitive in nature, they may be reluctant to having it laying about in their offices.
But in any case, think of a couple of workable solutions and the next time you have a chance to bring up the topic, ask for their input. In the meantime, look on the brightside: going up and down those stairs while time consuming is great exercise.
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #37
April 19, 2007, 08:53:05 am »
It was easy before the move I removed paperwork from the "out" side of the desk and filed it when they were at meetings or our of the office. Being on a diff floor just makes it all the worse.
On another note, is it acceptable to work in a building zone? I have come in for the 3rd time this week and my desk is once again covered in dust, my chair has been stood on by workmen and no-one from facilities has bothered to inform me the level of work that was happening, or offer to move me temporarily until it is complete. If this was happening to our CEO's PA, let me tell you there would be trouble. I must be a mug! Someone actually said to be yesterday you should be wearing a hard hat - I laughed but it's true.
Sr. Member
Posts: 460
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #38
April 19, 2007, 09:37:35 am »
Absolutely it's not acceptable to work in a building zone. That must contravene a number of Health & Safety rules. The dust generated can't be good for you, for a start.
I was in the same situation a good few years ago ... the open area opposite my workspace was being enclosed and divided up into "cells" and there was hammering and drilling going on all day. At one point my Departmental Director came stomping out of his office and complained about all the noise and that he was having to shut his door. I replied very sweetly that he was very lucky to have a door to shut
A little later I had to cross this open "building site" to get something from one of the offices and missed by a hair's breadth (I literally felt the breeze of its passing!) being hit on the head by a metal strut - the type used to finish off the corners in cellular offices. After that I declared that I wasn't going in there anymore and they finally put up a taped barrier declaring it off limits. It was a very dangerous situation that the management had allowed to continue until they realised that someone might get hurt.
It's very bad that no-one's bothered to tell you about this or to relocate you temporarily.
Poor you
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #39
April 19, 2007, 10:47:47 am »
Well, the area that is being worked on is indeed tapered off - barrier/cones etc. However it's a walkway to the rest of this floor and while others are only walking through, I am sitting in it. So much for health and safety in the workplace eh?
Roll on Friday!
Hero Member
Posts: 1608
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #40
April 19, 2007, 11:11:13 am »
What a bore for you!
Years ago, in another employment, my office was located in a temporary building on a building site whilst our permanent facility was being erected. Cold water, cold weather, mud, dust and noisy machinery were part of my days for over two years. The day they dug the foundations was excruciating, but the worst thing was dust, which got just everywhere all the time. So you have my sympathy.
Still, hopefully the building project will be over soon and things will be better for you.
Best wishes,
Sr. Member
Posts: 387
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #41
April 24, 2007, 02:30:15 pm »
Gee, any improvement on the horizon?
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #42
April 24, 2007, 04:04:55 pm »
Aww so nice of you to ask.
Building work over and apart from a draft the other day (either aircon or door near me is a duct), things are more or less ok.
CEO and his PA have moved beside me, however she has 2 desks to herself while I am boxed off in a corner. No-one can believe it - in fact everyone has been quite open in saying so within her earshot. I am quite happy - no-one can come from behind me and they can only come by my desk/cube if they go past her first. They do however stop to chat over my screen as they always have done. I have noticed in past couple of days she has been different towards me eg. this morning I came in, said good morning, made eye contact and she just buried her head and turned away - extremely rude! One other person noticed her face when they came to talk to me and said, oh what a welcome over here - again noticed. Therefore I know it's not me - she is either under pressure or something else is bothering her, but I refuse to let her get to me or indeed make her think I've noticed anything different. She has already made it known that our CEO winds her up and she prob won't stay here, although, that could be just a lot of rubbish. She only lunched for half an hour yday and today and everyone was kind of surprised as our directors and senior managers are on an away day and therefore not in the office today. Don't get me wrong I have not been lazy today, but have still taken my hour for lunch.
I just get on with things - if people want to be moody, don't expect anything different from me.
Posts: 1
Re: Office Layout
Reply #43
May 15, 2007, 11:06:45 pm »
Dear Gee4,
Hello. I don't know if you resolved your situation yet? I would like to suggest that you set time aside every day for about 15-30 minutes with your managers to go over various items that need attention: ie: mail, calendar, meetings to arrange, etc. If they don't feel this is necessary, then you may ask what they suggest for depositing their mail, etc. Also, do you have their phone line on your telephone so you can see when they are on/off line? Just a suggestion.
Hope things improve.
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout
Reply #44
May 16, 2007, 08:39:31 am »
Things have very much settled since my last posting. I make an effort to go down at least twice a day or more to my directors to give them post or anything that requires signature etc. I do a lot of work for each of their managers so I am quite busy and not necessarily doing work for them all of the time.
CEO's PA and I are fine again - perhaps just a blip or a busy day or maybe a period of adjustment to a new side of the building, who knows.
I received an unexpected pay rise yesterday and was called in by our CEO to be informed that staff who normally have less than 12 months service, are not entitled to receive a pay rise. However on this occasion he fought for it and feels I am doing a great job. Like I have said in previous postings, I have worked hard for my current position and finally things are beginning to pay off.
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