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Topic: Office Layout (Read 20827 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 387
Re: Office Layout
Reply #15
February 28, 2007, 01:07:52 pm »
Gee, just a thought (and it's a bit of an odd one), do your company allow external consultants?
The reason I ask, is that one of the bosses and his PA had a consultant come in and carry out something similar to a "time and motion" study, then he saw how they interacted and recommended certain practices and idea, which they adopted. They've found that it definitely added to their efficiency. At the same time, they were able to offload to him about "problem areas" and he offered practical advice and solutions. They were allowed to be frank and talk about each other as well, neither got to hear what had been said about the other as such, but the consultant coached both (hope that makes sense).
Perhaps something similar would help? If not a consultant then perhaps is there another colleague you can talk too?
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout
Reply #16
February 28, 2007, 02:55:22 pm »
Nah I'd be out on my ear. At least someone else has experienced it and it's not just me going doolally!
I guess it's just one of those things - there's no such thing as a perfect boss, but there's always a boss who seeks perfection.
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Hero Member
Posts: 2791
Re: Office Layout
Reply #17
February 28, 2007, 03:38:43 pm »
Gee doesn't he have an out box on his desk? If not, I'd suggest that so you know when he wants you to remove something to file or deliver.
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout
Reply #18
February 28, 2007, 05:57:43 pm »
We talked about this when I started and he was adamant (read my posting at top of this page) that this side of the desk was mail in, and the other side was stuff out.
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Hero Member
Posts: 2791
Re: Office Layout
Reply #19
February 28, 2007, 09:16:59 pm »
So was this stuff on the "stuff out" side? If so, then chalk it up to an oops and make sure you take all items from that side in the future. On the other hand, if he didn't put it in the right place, I would have gently pointed that out to him.
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout
Reply #20
March 01, 2007, 09:39:17 am »
So petty Marie isn't it. Maybe we should go on a course for this kinda stuff?!
As for pointing stuff out, now that would be undermining him. Wouldn't dream of doing that, he's very adamant about things and if he took a sudden dislike to my attitude, I'd be out on my ear - not risking that to have to look for another job!
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Hero Member
Posts: 2791
Re: Office Layout
Reply #21
March 01, 2007, 03:51:43 pm »
Gee, you can't be afraid to speak to your boss. You have got to find a compromise that doesn't involve you sitting scared in a corner afraid to say boo for fear of being booted out on your ear. Very few bosses respect that quality in their assistant.
I agree your attitude and tone are very important and you do need to keep them positive, not accusatory and you need to show how you are doing this to improve your working relationship, but it does need to be done!
Schedule an appt with your boss, plan out the dialog ahead of time and go for it!
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #22
March 06, 2007, 11:35:34 am »
Office reshuffle is happening for me in about 2-3 weeks time - not looking forward to it in some ways, but in others, it should be an improvement to this current 'situation'.
Anyway thought I'd share another little incident this morning, not life or death but nonetheless annoying.
The 'awkward' boss has full day of meetings today, however his 1pm appointment arrived just before 9am and reception buzzed me up to inform me. I went into his office and said xx is here but he is scheduled to be here later today at 1pm. He looked at me n said, no he's coming to see me this morning, oh did I not change my outlook calendar?
Is he trying to make a fool of me or was it really just a genuine mistake? He had another internal meeting with a member of staff scheduled for 9am - how bad does that look?
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #23
March 20, 2007, 10:00:45 am »
Further update - be interested to hear your opinions...
Firstly I am now staying where I am on 2nd floor with the CEO's PA and 4 other senior managers. However my 2 directors are still moving to 1st floor to purpose-built offices. I was told by our CEO but neither of my 2 directors have mentioned this yet which I find strange. I asked our CEO if they were happy with the move and he said yes. I am too but not really sure how it's going to work. A lot of what I do for them is attending meetings, and preparing weekly reports so really no need to be in and out of their offices.
That said, I do need to have paperwork signed, cheques and holiday forms signed etc as well as opening their mail and delivering post. It just seems a bit strange that if I work for them I am being kept 'upstairs' working more closely with our CEO and his PA. I can see she needs help from time to time and it makes sense to provide cover, but just seems a bit weird that the 2 guys I work for will be on a different floor.
Your comments are welcome.
Hero Member
Posts: 1608
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #24
March 20, 2007, 01:27:07 pm »
This is a very interesting development, Gee, particularly if you are going to be "working more closely with (your) CEO and his PA". You might find some good opportunities coming your way from that direction.
With respect to your two directors, I think the only way to manage that would be to make appointments to see them for signing paperwork etc.
Best wishes,
Global Moderator
Hero Member
Posts: 5102
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #25
March 20, 2007, 02:01:39 pm »
Or you could create a folder that you maintain on a corner of your desk with items that need their signatures. Perhaps a diff color folder for each director. Then anytime they're coming to or from a meeting they could stop by and take the folder with them (or stay there and sign them) or you could put it in their in-box, with their understanding what the folder is and that it's important and shouldn't be shuffled off. I did this when I supported 3 senior folks who worked across campus from where my office was situated. I'd either send it by shuttle twice a day or they would stop by when they were in the building and take care of the paperwork. It works fairly well, as long as the signee understands the folder is important and it's a way for you to assist them better.
Good luck.
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Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #26
March 20, 2007, 02:57:56 pm »
Nice idea - but remember from previous posts, neither have in-boxes so I will have to make an appointment with them at beg or end of each day.
I don't think I should be the one that approaches them. I am the new employee so feel it's their responsibility to let me know that I am not moving and why. It makes me feel that with the move now imminent my working relationship with them is dwindling - be nice for someone keep me in the picture instead of heads being buried in the sand. Isn't communication always key?
Global Moderator
Hero Member
Posts: 1433
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #27
March 20, 2007, 03:12:20 pm »
Yes communication is key, and CG brings up a very good idea in keeping the paper flow moving in the meantime. It's worth a try. They don't need in boxes with the folders.
Peer Moderator
Hero Member
Posts: 661
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #28
March 20, 2007, 04:08:05 pm »
I agree that communication is key. Perhaps they don't really know the way - why don't you show them and initiate the dialog yourself. I realize that your relationship with them isn't the greatest, but it is never going to improve if neither side steps forward to change things. If you try and they don't return it, then you need to make a decision as to whether or not you want to continue working for people who obviously don't wish/know how to deal with you.
Please don't take this the wrong way but sometimes the best way to break the communication barrier is to look in the mirror. Look very hard and see if there is something inside you that is preventing you from communicating with them. If there is, try to change it and see what happens. If you honestly feel that there is nothing you can do differently and they still aren't responding to you - maybe it's time to move on.
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Office Layout...update
Reply #29
March 20, 2007, 04:33:28 pm »
I think working for the 2 directors who have the biggest departments and whose team's are the backbone of the company, makes them very self-sufficient. They need me for very little. This move is intended for me to continue to support them, but more importantly to work closely with the CEO and his PA to provide cover should it be required for other senior managers.
I love my job and the environment in which I work. It's not really a case of moving on - I have done enough job hunting over the years and did quite a bit before I got offered this post. I made the effort today to speak to both of them and I think it was worthwhile. They are happy as am I.
I am not the kind of PA who chats a lot or who needs to get to know my bosses on a personal level unless they want me to. I am also a very private person so don't discuss my personal life with them either. Whereas the CEO's PA is much more involved with him, his life and his family to a certain extent. I was never given the indication I was required to get involved at that level either and that's suits.
There is no question of me leaving here unless I am faced with redundancy again. I think I just have to accept that the 2 directors I work for do not require as much attention as others and they also are much more self-sufficient.
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