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Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
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Topic: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging... (Read 23094 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1441
Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
February 22, 2004, 10:32:42 pm »
What's the most challenging task you have to face within your current job? The Dreaded Mail merge, Arranging Business Travel? Dealing with difficult clients or internal characters?
Come on,,, share! What's that one task that fills you with dread when it's on your calendar and why?
Hero Member
Posts: 5689
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #1
February 23, 2004, 10:29:13 am »
Within any IT/technology company you may have to attend meetings and take minutes. Imagine taking minutes at technical meetings which you have no idea what they are talking about - yes on the peripheral but not in any great depth. I tell you I get sick just thinking about it, but have to admit everyone is great here and are very helpful.
Jr. Member
Posts: 56
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #2
February 23, 2004, 12:43:44 pm »
From a time consuming and planning ahead point of view it's the 2 most important meetings our Board have - our budget and half year review meetings.
From an 'I hate doing this' point of view it's expense forms to go to head office on a monthly basis (as well as the normal expense forms that have to be done)
Hero Member
Posts: 661
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #3
February 23, 2004, 04:25:05 pm »
We have an outside group that holds meetings at our facilities (there are some internal people that attend, but the meeting is sponsored by the outside group). The group has an executive session that is private and a general meeting that is open. These two sessions must be held in different locations. Sometimes they need videoconference, sometimes they need speaker phones, sometimes they need TV/VCR to show tapes. Only 1 of our conference rooms has the ability for all of this but another department has it reserved until 9:30, and I need it starting at 9:00. Sometimes the meetings are over by noon, and only refreshments need to be served, sometimes they run through the afternoon and we need refreshments AND lunch. Then, just when I get all of these arrangements set - drum roll, please -- THEY CHANGE THE BLASTED DATE - grrrrrrrrrrrr
Full Member
Posts: 155
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #4
February 23, 2004, 06:48:19 pm »
The worst thing I have to deal with on a daily basis are the people who call us looking for information on there claims. Most of them are easy to talk with and very cooperative when we do not have the answers for them and some of them on the other hand are down right nasty and yell at me (eventhough it is definately not my fault) when the adjuster does not get back to them as quickly as they want them to, which is usually within seconds it seems like.
Posts: 10
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #5
February 23, 2004, 09:32:05 pm »
The most currently challenging thing, day-to-day, with my job is that technically I'm working for three companies at once.
First there's my temp company, who is my boss and my direct employer (and my paycheck). Then there's the hospital I'm working for, the second employer. Finally, the team of consultants running the department I'm in is from another company, so I also am helping them out as well.
If it weren't that I work with a stellar bunch of professionals, I'd be losing my mind - but everyone I work with on all three sides is just wonderful. I'm hoping I land this one - they're asking me to apply!
:O) Kat
Hero Member
Posts: 1608
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #6
February 23, 2004, 10:49:01 pm »
The most challenging aspect of my job is one person (plus a couple of sidekicks in our finance department). I wish I could truthfully say it was just me and bad chemistry but since the Christmas holidays I've received five complaints from five different people about this person.
Everyone tiptoes around her, she takes a lot of sick leave, is noisy, swears at people, comes and goes as she pleases and even intimidates her own manager. I'm not a shrinking violet, but I do everything I can to avoid this person. Chicken, aren't I? I'm so grateful I have my own office and a reasonable distance away from her.
Hero Member
Posts: 1612
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #7
February 23, 2004, 10:54:12 pm »
I hear ya--I think the most difficult thing about my job right now too is that I am working through a temp agency! That means I have to fill out 2 timesheets every week (one for the agency and one for the company I'm working for so they know which jobs to charge my time to), drop off timesheet and pick up paycheck (luckily, the agency's just up the street from the job site). PLUS there's the challenge of not getting paid holidays or sick days, which is why I worked one day last week when I was sick enough for it to be better for everyone involved if I'd stayed home. Bleah! And I'm trying to do an extra good job and impress everyone enough so they'll want to keep me!
But I, too, am blessed to work at a wonderful company with wonderful people. The temp agency has really been a peach too. I keep praying and hoping and cannot
til I get permanent status! Just a couple months to go!
Hero Member
Posts: 1612
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #8
February 23, 2004, 10:55:28 pm »
OK besides the temp agency issue, my most difficult task is trying to stay busy during down time. I really dread down time more than anything!
Have I sounded off enough now?
Sr. Member
Posts: 420
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #9
February 24, 2004, 10:22:50 am »
I had been three months in the job when I had to organise a trip from scratch to Canada, find the best fares for the flight, find a good located hotel, get a car hire and have a list of stores with maps for the travellers to visit in a logical order. I had never dealt with Canada before but I did it!
Also organising Russian visas when I didn't have a clue how to go about it.
And taking over a trip for 20-odd people every year in January to an exhibition.
All this is just routine now when it felt scary at first!
Hero Member
Posts: 508
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #10
February 24, 2004, 05:58:42 pm »
It's not really the 'most challenging', but the thing I hate most is minutes! I like attending the meetings and getting the low down on what's going on, but it's so boring having to relive them and make sense of some of the ramblings!
Organising travel is a pain, especially when there are last minute changes, but it can be quite interesting.
For me I think 'most challenging' has to be organising the xmas party - you try to please as many people as possible, but there's always someone moaning about it. Usually by the night of the 'do' I've had enough and don't want to go (but I always do)! It's going to be time to start organising again soon - aarghhhh!
Posts: 4
Re: Week of Feb 23rd- the most challenging...
Reply #11
March 09, 2004, 11:19:42 pm »
I think my most challenging ongoing task is getting people to forward needed information to me in a timely fashion. It really gets old to have to constantly ask for info over and over, because the “higher-ups” don't consider your request(s) that important...unless, of course, you’re getting something for THEM! :-)
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