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Author Topic: Forgotten Facts by: Paul Harvey  (Read 3055 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 420

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« on: March 16, 2001, 08:45:37 am »

I guess what happened before in another post happened again, and I, as well, apologize for sounding a little strong as well.  This is a fault of mine, too.  

To explain my thoughts, this month alone, 4 people that work on my project have asked to to "forward these emails because they're worth it."  Like the CPR cough and the asbestos tampons, people told me this was true.  I wouldn't forward it and got flack (an admin admonishing a manager, can you imagine?).  Well, when I found out the truth, or mark of rumor which means we don't know if it's the truth or since there's no real evidence, I was just a little tired of being the "only voice of reason".  I actually was told by a coworker to forward an email calling George W. a racist because of some out-dated fine print in a house that he sold years ago.  If you want more on that,, but otherwise, I think it's a good lesson, for me as well as everyone not to believe everything we read on the net as well.  Just because the web page is pretty, or the email looks ok, it's still probably false.

Again, to you sungoddesslv, and to Andrea, about the posting in the other forum, I apologize.  I will cool my heels better in the future.

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