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Author Topic: New Challenge?  (Read 1165 times)
Full Member
Posts: 101

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« on: October 10, 2003, 12:22:47 pm »

You might remember me complaining about my job role, and that my boss got in his son-in-law to take more and more work over from me etc etc etc. I have been jobhunting since, but it seems to be the quiet season here, so no luck yet.

HOWEVER, my boss has decided that he wants to set up a completely new company, not just a new division as in the past, which will be dealing with one particular product range we are currently  manufacturing. He has asked me to make preliminary enquiries as to the procedures etc. Now, am I ready for this new challenge? I don't know yet whether I really want to have the task again of setting up yet another new side of the company.

But at least something has happened, and I'm glad about that!

Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2003, 08:35:02 am »

Well anytime you set up a company there will be challenges indeed.  Particularly if you're in Germany.  But think about this,, wouldn't it be nice for a while to be the one with all the answers? A little time on the net and presto, you're up to speed and able to provide invaluable assistance to bossie.  It sounds like he may have been planning to "free up" a bit of your time by shifting the work to his son.  

Challenges are good things you know.  They grow us.  Even when we don't like them.  They sneak on in there and darn it all, we go off and learn something when we least expect it.  Now sometimes that stuff we learn is utterly useless.  And sometimes we only think it's useless.  And sometimes that stuff we learn saves the day when we least expect it, in the job you're in or another one.  

My tuppence.


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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 08:49:47 am »

Thanks for your kind words, Andrea.

I do feel better now that I know there's new waiting for me, I can get my teeth into. And I agree, since I'm the one organising the whole lot, I'll be the one who'll know all the ins and outs of the business.

I'm glad that I joined the company when I did, because I do feel sorry for any new starter here. It must be so confusing with all the different letterheads, contact numbers etc.

Then again, they call me the "office witch", which I take as a positive title. They even made me a silver wand, so what else do we need ;-)

By the way, I live and work in Lancashire, UK, not in Germany...

Hero Member
Posts: 1441

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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 08:52:06 am »

Sorry bout that, I've been working most of the night and sometimes forget who Im posting too. Smiley Good thing seriously good PA feedback is universal.

And setting up a business in the UK is no picnic on the Mall either!

I've got Germany and Australia on the brain since that's where we're going to have the Next DeskDemon sites I beg from you madame,,, a thousand pardons ;p


and by the way I have a witch nickname too.  Every once in a while someone puts a post it on the witch from Snowwhite statue that I happen to own, (don't ask long story) anyway the post it note ends up looking like a t-shirt with my uhhh name on it.  

S'Okay though.  I know where they live.  I wonder if you can buy poisoned apples online ....

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Posts: 101

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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 01:04:54 pm »

Very interesting news that you want to start DD in Germany. I've found 2 secretarial websites in Germany, but, of course, they're not as good as DD  ;-)
If you need any help translating, or anything, just email me.

Sr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2003, 04:52:16 pm »

Hi Annegret!
Glad to hear that Andrea's kind words gave you some impetus to take up this challenge!!  Indeed, by now, they must value your work in setting up business so they do rely on your knowledge and abilities on this one.  And like Andrea said, maybe they freed up some of your work because they knew they had something else in store for you!
Best of luck!... and you can drop the job search, which will be a relief, I am sure!!
By the way, my move to Preston is getting closer and closer, I might be there sometime in November!
Speak to you soon


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