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Author Topic: Holy Cow!!! It's Cold Out There!!!  (Read 4389 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 782

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« on: January 16, 2009, 06:44:41 pm »

I'm in VA and woke up to 15 degress this morning.  Its supposed to be single digits tomorrow morning.  But I can honestly say it's been colder, longer around here in the last 10 years.  VA winters are rarely predictable.  You could have 3 years of mild winters and then out of the blue, non-stop cold and snow for a month.  The next year its mild again.  I've just learned to be prepared for anything this time of year.  All it takes is one good storm to lose power in my area for a day or two anytime of year so I keep propane for the grill so I can cook, kerosene for the small heater, water in the closet to wash up and flush toilets and extra food.  And this year I bought an old fashioned percolater so I could make coffee on grill.

My poor cat is sooo unhappy with this weather.  She likes to go out in the morning and evenings and roam, but this morning she was back in as soon as she did her business.  She came prancing in and went right back to the sleeping spot of the moment.  She has been giving me dirty looks the last few night like she thinks this cold is all my fault.  Cool

I don't envy you Marie, but I guess that's why I won't move North - I don't like the cold.  Bad part it, I don't care for the humidity you get further South in the summer so I guess I'll be a VA resident for life.


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