It definitely helps to get along with your co-workers. Remember, there is a big difference between getting along, being sociable with co-workers and with being "friends" with co-workers. As Admins, I think it is really important that we be able to get along with co-workers and anyone else... but does that mean I have to want to sit and chat with person x, y or z? Nope. I guess I look at "getting along" with co-workers as treating them professionally, acting courteous to them, etc, which is part of being a good employee. There are fewer of them that I socialize in the office with, but which make it a much easier place to work (and whom will probably know my true thoughts about someone I'm just getting along with in the office) and still fewer that are friends, whom I may socialize with outside the office too and will truly know my thoughts about any PITAs in the group.