Posted at 9:53 AM on Tuesday 13 October 2009
Share with the rest of the group something you did on the job and you are proud of. Don't be shy!
Posted at 10:53 AM on Wednesday 14 October 2009
Over the past 9 months I have led on a review of the Administrative services within our department. This has resulted in the admin team all moving into one section now known as Business Support. Their individual roles have been aligned to the strategic objectives of the department and a full years training programme has been provided to every member of the team. The move has been well supported largely due to the nature of the staff within the team and we are starting to reap the benefits of a more varied workload and increased capacity.
Posted at 8:50 AM on Wednesday 21 October 2009
We have an "admin group" that was loosing steam. After a few years, many stopped attending and it just wasn't how it used to be. I stepped up and proposed to our upper management a plan and a budget, (small but they bought in). We now have a budget (which saved money as a group) to bring in trainers and have our lunches catered. We are now revitalized, started to have fund raisers for more functions and training and we are once again learning what our peers are up to and have a sense of "admin community" if that makes sense. It is great!