Posted at 11:36 AM on Monday 10 August 2009
I have just 'finished' a book by Elizabeth Noble - The Reading Group. The first few chapters were fine but then it started to get difficult. I felt there were too many characters and there wasn't really a plot to the story. However I felt myself dipping in and out of the book because some of the characters appealed to me and eventually reached the end.

Do you ever find yourself not really liking or getting into a book but continue with it?
Posted at 12:41 PM on Monday 10 August 2009
It depends on the book ... on the forum you can see my post about unfinished books ... I have had a block to finishing The Silmarillion for years but I wanted to read it for the background to Tolkien's stories. I had to diarise myself to read a chapter a day to get through it. I cannot say I enjoyed it but I finally got over the block.

Occasionally I struggle to get into a story and put it down for a day or so and then find I pick it up and it is fine; two exceptions Catch 22 and Lord of the Flies - I disliked both of them intensely and have no interest in finishing them.

One of the books I struggled with this year was The Gathering (Anne Enright) - which I found full of complex characters, with hidden stories and seemingly little plot - their stories do mainly get revealed by the end of the book but I found the mid-section quite hard work.

I accidentally set a goal of reading a book a week during 2009 (I didn't originally set the goal I established a pattern and then turned it into a goal) and am currently aiming at around 70 books in the year - partly because when I get stuck with a book I am picking up another one rather than wasting the reading time. Now you might be thinking but surely that gets confusing ... I am finding that if I read a book I really enjoy and read it quickly as a result, it encourages me to keep on with the other.
Posted at 6:12 PM on Monday 10 August 2009
There are a few books I just haven't been able to get into. The last one was by Gena Showalter and I don't remember the name. If it comes back to me I will post it. The story just was.. bland. Actually I read another book by her and sort of forced myself to finish it saying.. it has to get better. I guess, sadly, I don't enjoy her writing.