Adding clip art
To add a clip art image from the Microsoft™ library to a document:
  • Select insert | picture | clip art from the menu bar.
  • To find an image, click in the white box following search for clips. Delete the words "type one or more words…" and enter keywords describing the image you want to use.

  • OR

  • Click one of the category icons.
  • Click once on the image you want to add to the document and a popup menu will appear:
    Insert clip to add the image to the document
    Preview clip to view the image full-size before adding it to the document. Drag the bottom right corner of the preview window to resize the image and click the "x" close button to end the preview.
Adding clip art
  • Add clip to favourites will add the selected image to your favourites directory that can be chosen from the insert clip art dialog box.
  • Find similar clips will retrieve images similar to the one you have chosen.
  • Continue selecting images to add to the document and click the close button in the top right corner of the insert clip art window to stop adding clip art to the document.
» See 'editing an image' to change your image.