How to change colours
To change colours in a page header in Word
  1. Select page header
  2. Right click on coloured box in header, select format autoshape from pop up menu
  3. Change colour in dropdown box
  4. Click OK
To change colours in a table in Word
  1. Highlight cell
  2. Choose menu Format > Borders and shading
  3. Select the colour you want from the colour drop down
  4. Now place a 6 pt solid line on the right side
  5. And a half point solid line on the bottom
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for other cells
To insert your own logo into a page footer in Word
  1. Select page footer
  2. Select and delete existing logo
  3. Choose menu Insert > Picture from file
  4. Browse to find your own logo
  5. Highlight inserted logo
  6. Choose right justification