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Weave your Web!

As you meet new colleagues, business associates and friends, why not add them to your own personal database here on the Deskdemon site? You'll soon find that you've built up a fairly weighty network of people!
Weave your Web!

Whenever you meet anyone, make a note of their:
If you are a registered user and are logged in, you can enter your contacts into your very own deskdemon contacts folder. Click here to add new names and amend current details. If you are not a registered user and would like to be, Click Here

Further Reading:

What can a network do for you?. Now see how those people can all help you as you strive to achieve your career aspirations!

Businesswomen Networking Links Networking
What can a network do for you?
Introducing Business Link
How to get the most out of careers events
Weave your Web!
What can a University do for you?
Links to professional bodies
Linking to Professional Secretarial Groups

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