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Learning and Skills Councils in the North West
What's going on in the Northwest?
The vision for the region so far as learning and skills are concerned are very exciting, whether you're an employee, a boss, a parent or a young person just finishing a college course! According to the Learning and Skills Strategy for the region, the vision is thus:
  • The skills of the workforce are equal to the best in Europe
  • The region's employers see training as an investment (not a cost) and have the capability to develop their workforce effectively
  • The learning environment kindles creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation
  • All our young people have the skills and attitudes to gain employment that meets the needs of employers and themselves
  • Higher education graduates in the North West can find employment to suit their ambition and the needs of employers
  • People are committed to developing their skills, general employability and learning throughout their lifetime
  • Appropriate high quality and responsive learning opportunities are available
  • All people have equal opportunity to learn and earn
  • High quality careers information, education and guidance is available to all.

How does the region intend to achieve this?
The Learning and Skills Action plan has four strategic objectives - note in particular the first two, because they are great news if you want to develop your skills base:

  • To raise the demand of employers for skilled people, to increase their skills investment and improve their workforce development capacity
  • To raise individual demand for skills
  • To invest in equality of opportunity for learning in the region leading to increased social inclusion
  • To invest in improvements to the regional labour and learning market.

It's certainly worth you taking time to delve deeper and make the most of the opportunities available to boost your employability and future prospects.

What's happening in your neck of the woods?
It's important to check out the Learning and Skills Council for your county because they are all different, and what is happening in one county may not be going on in another. In particular,

  • Check out the Adult Learner pages on your Learning and Skills Council's site
  • Keep up to date with the news on the home page by visiting it regularly - you'll be in a better position to take responsibility for your career and drive it forward, and take advantage of learning, training and employment opportunities that come your way!

Find out what's happening in YOUR area to boost YOUR skills and employability!

For further information:
Learning and Skills Council

Cheshire and Warrington Learning and Skills Council

Cumbria Learning and Skills Council

Greater Manchester

Lancashire Learning and Skills Council

Greater Merseyside

Where to go for Help..?
Introducing RDAs
Introducing Business Link
What a university can do for your company

This Month's feature: The North West
Recruitment Agencies in the North West
Business Link
The North West: Confident and Dynamic!
Employment Prospects in the North West
Learning and Skills Councils in the North West
Linking up to Know-How and Universities in the North West
Networking Groups in the North West
Salaries in the North West
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