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The South East: an exciting and buzzing place to be
First, some basic facts about the South East:
So that's the good news. Problems?

Success comes at a price, and the region does have problems, including:

So what's being done to tackle those problems?

The South East of England Development Agency is working with many partners in the region to tackle these problems and the threat of complacency that success brings. According to its Regional Economic Strategy for South East England 2002-2012, it has five main objectives for the region and focus on developing:
  1. Competitive businesses
  2. Successful people
  3. Vibrant communities
  4. Effective infrastructure
  5. The sustainable use of natural resources.
So what do these objectives mean, and how do they affect you and your company?

You can play a key role in each of these in work and outside the office.

Competitive Businesses: According to the Regional Economic Strategy, the objective is that by 2012 the region will be one of the world?s 15 most entrepreneurial and innovative regions. It will be a dynamic, diverse and knowledge-based economy that excels in innovation and turning ideas into wealth creating enterprise.

What does this mean for you and your company?
  • Greater choice in working opportunities
  • Lots of small and medium sized businesses for you to consider working for in the future
  • More help for your company in managing growth, developing its skills and teams, ensuring its success and linking in to know-how and people who can help. Much of this is on the Internet
  • Keeping your skills up to date will be more important than ever so that you can take advantage of the many employment opportunities.

SEEDA?s Inward investment team promotes the benefits of locating in the South East to overseas companies who want to establish a base in Europe. During 2002/2003, the team helped 40 companies set up in the region; this created or safeguarded 1,699 jobs.

Successful People
The Regional Economic Strategy states that by 2012, the South East will be one of the top 15 regions in the world in terms of labour productivity and employment rates. It will have a skilled, motivated inclusive and highly productive workforce that anticipates and embraces change.

What does this mean for you and your company?
  • Greater access to information about learning and training opportunities, mostly on the Internet. It is up to you to take advantage of this.
  • Closer links between your company and local universities to help close gaps between the skills available and those required to make sure your company has the skills it needs to succeed.
  • More companies will be inspired to set up In the area as it has the skills required to meet their needs. This will mean greater wealth for the region and more opportunities for you!
  • There?s lots of effort going into help companies Link up to broadband. Find out what it can Do for you and your company by Visiting and checking out the Broadband page!

The performance figures for 2003-2004 show that SEEDA has its partners have created 14,953 learning opportunities!

Vibrant Communities
The aim is that by 2012 the gap between the most deprived parts of the region and the rest will have narrowed by at least 10%. The Regional Economic Strategy seeks to develop an inclusive society characterised by strong, diverse and healthy communities enjoying ready access to high quality jobs, education, homes, health and other services, and free from high levels of crime and discrimination.

What will this mean for you and your company?
  • If you live in an area where the economy is stagnant, career opportunities will improve.
  • You?ll need to ensure that you keep your skills up to date to be in a position to make the most of the new opportunities in your area.
  • Your company will have access to advice and information, and possibly funding to help it grow.

The performance figures show that in the 2003-2004 year, SEEDA and its partners attracted over ?37 million of private sector investment which benefited deprived areas in the region.

Effective Infrastructure
The Regional Economic Strategy seeks to ensure that by 2012, the region will have made measurable progress towards infrastructure that matches the standards of the best in North West Europe. The region will have transport, communications, housing and health infrastructures that support and enable continued economic growth and improved quality of life for all.

What will this mean for you and your company?
  • Regional connections will be faster and Easier for you and your boss
  • You should be able to save time when Travelling.
  • Your boss will get less uptight when held up by travel problems!

SEEDA is working to improve cross-regional road and rail links, eg East/West Rail linking Oxford and Cambridge and the South Coast; and improving cross-London links (Thameslink) from Milton Keynes to Gatwick and Brighton.

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
The aim here is that by 2012 the South East will be one of the world?s leading environment economies, with businesses in the region having made significant gains in safeguarding and enhancing this asset.
  • If you?re an office manager, you have a particularly important role to play in ensuring that your company plays its part in protecting the natural assets of the south east.
  • You can play a key role in protecting our environment by turning off taps and managing your waste effectively at home and at the office.

The six Sustainable Business Partnerships in the region worked with 11,000 businesses in 2001, helping them to achieve savings through improved energy efficiency, waste minimisation and utilities management and to reduce negative environmental impacts.

What's different about this strategy? What?s going to make it work?

The Agency can bring all the key organisations together to come up with realistic, workable solutions to problems in the South East. This is the first time that government departments and agencies, businesses, local authorities and community groups have been working together to solve problems and implement effective solutions. Additionally, SEEDA can look across the problems in the area from a regional perspective.

For further information:

Where to go for Help..?
Introducing RDAs
Introducing Business Link
What can a university do for your company?
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This Month's feature: The South East
Recruitment Agencies in the South East
Salaries in the South East
Business Link - The South East
Linking up to Local Know-How: Universities
Learning and Skills Councils in the South East
Networking Groups
Employment Opportunities in the South East
The South East: Exciting and Buzzing!
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