First of all, we take a look at the issues of "multi-bossing", and how to survive when all many hands make, is many demands! Ian Boughton casts a wry eye over the topic and offers some expert tips. Understanding how to deal with all these demands can be a question of understanding the personalities you are dealing with, not the requests themselves. John Hancock outlines some key thinking in the importance of identifying your enemy!
If you want to get ahead, you need to know how to acquire the tools so to do, and training is a key issue. Karen Mannering has some welcome news for those of you having trouble getting out of the office for training days - blended learning could be the answer. Meanwhile, Sara Goodwins has been asking recruitment specialists to discover what employers really think of secretarial qualifications - her findings make very interesting reading.
Recruiters Crone Corkill offer some advice on whether it's still a bad idea to change jobs too often, and give us the low-down on how to build the perfect CV. We also hear tips from the top from three PAs who recently took part in launching a new career forum for media staff, and PA Jean Richardson reveals what she believes to be her top five skills.
Finally, careers expert John Lees offers a simple but extremely effective way of making an impact on interviewers - don't miss his article on posing killer questions. It could secure you the job!
The Sound Off, where PAs give vent to their anger about a topic, is the last in our series, but we'll be back with a new slot in the next issue. There won't be a DeskDemon Express in August (because you're all on the beach) but we'll see you again in September with more essential information.
Enjoy the summer!