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February 2005 - Conferences and meetings  
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Dear Readers
Dear Readers This issue we return to a main part of your role - organising conferences, meetings, training days, workshops, and the myriad other get-togethers that fall on your desk. Many of us would agree that to get a meeting up and running is not rocket science, and that if you've got plenty of common sense, you'll work it out. But there are meetings, and there are meetings. And we would hope that you would want to rise to the next level - where your meetings and conferences are shining examples of that tremendous mixture of creativity and organisation demonstrated by the best secretaries, administrators and PAs.

This issue we're looking at different aspects of putting meetings and conferences together, from planning a whole conference programme, to following up after the event. Long-time subscribers of DeskDemon Express may remember that last year we also had an issue dedicated to organising meetings and conferences (February 2004). Taken together, these two editions form an extremely valuable guide to many elements of getting your meetings spot on, every time.

Karen Mannering looks at what goes into professional meeting etiquette, and how to make sure your voice is heard during the proceedings. And Meeting Professionals International have kindly given us their thoughts on the various aspects of planning which make the difference between a good meeting, and a great meeting. We also ask our resident venue expert, Norman Flack, to sift out his favourite conference venues up and down the country. Our colleagues at British Association of Conference Destinations have also given us their list of bureaux and conference destination offices across the country as a handy, quick-click guide for you - it's an impressive coverage.

Putting together a conference programme from scratch can be very daunting, as there are so many possibilities. Sara Goodwins offers some super, practical advice on developing the right programme for your colleagues and clients. The programme can have a big effect on how lively your event is, so I've added some tips of my own on how to keep those delegates bushy-tailed throughout.

Today, of course, you're just as likely to be chairing a workshop or facilitating a seminar as organising the event, so we've given you some advice on how to make sure you keep control - with a smile! And our top PA Lee Morrissey is back once again, with her valuable insights into the evaluation and follow-up that needs to take place once everyone has gone home.

We have our first Sound Off! in this issue, so why not find out what it is that really gets our first PA's blood pressure up! It's probably something a lot of you have suffered at some time or other! You can vote on whether you agree with her views or not.

And don't miss our wonderful give-away - wow, we're good to you! A free weekend break for two? Send us a postcard, won't you!

All the best


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