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December 2004 - Christmas Fun  
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Are you a Christmas cracker? Are you in the mood for Christmas, with reindeer antlers firmly on your head and cards already sent? Or is the enforced jollity rapidly driving you nuts? Try our fun quiz, devised by Roisin Woolnough, to discover your true festive personality.
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FunQuizAre you a Christmas cracker?
The party season is in full swing now and colleagues are getting into the festive spirit. The Christmas tree is up in the lobby, your departmental party is coming up and everyone is starting to unwind for the Christmas break. Are you joining in the seasonal fun or are you taking on the mantle of Scrooge as December 25 gets closer? Try our quiz, devised by Roisin Woolnough, to find out:
1. Christmas cards are appearing on desks everywhere and you have received several from colleagues already. Are you a card-giver too?
A You've got to be joking. You make it a policy to not send any Christmas cards - it would cost a fortune in cards, let alone stamps. Besides, what's the point in giving a card to someone you are going to see every day for the next fortnight anyway?
B Yours are on their way. You don't send them out indiscriminately but like to send them to good friends and colleagues and those you haven't seen in a while. A few business contacts are on your list as well.
C Your cards went out ages ago. You got several bumper packs of Woolworths new suggestive range of Christmas messages and sent them to all and sundry. You're even contemplating sending digital ones too.
2. It's the departmental Christmas lunch tomorrow and everyone has been nominated a person to buy a secret Santa present for. Have you got your gift ready?
A Not yet. You think it's a silly tradition and were tempted to pretend you'd forgotten. But then Susan who sits opposite you asked you what you had bought so that blew your excuse. You decide to pop into WH Smiths on your way home and pick something up there.
B You tried a couple of shops for something funny under a fiver but nothing grabbed your eye. Then you remembered the joke shop and found a funny Dame Edna wig and glasses combo that you know will go down well with your recipient and raise a few laughs.
C Much to your delight the name you picked out of the hat was shy Billy from accounts, so you've splashed out on a saucy Santa outfit that you know he'll turn pink just looking at. He won't be able to get away without trying it on and you and the rest of your team should have a scream at his expense.
3. You're manning a corporate stand at a big exhibition on December 17th and colleagues have asked if you're going to decorate the display at all. What do you say?
A No. You've got enough to do organising the stand and staying on your feet all day without adding to your troubles. Besides, that would only encourage endless Christmas gags and comments from other exhibitors and attendees.
B You've got a few festoons in, but nothing so tacky or large that it detracts from what you're exhibiting. You've also organised for some mulled wine and mince pies to be delivered for people who stop by.
C You've got several boxes of Christmas deccies, including a talking reindeer and matching hat for yourself. Yours is going to be one stand everyone will remember.
4. The annual Christmas charity dress-up day is on Friday when everyone is asked to wear something festive to work and donate £1 to a nominated charity. Will you be taking part?
A No. You think it's a real cheek that you have to pay for the privilege of dressing up for the day - surely the company should be giving £1 per employee instead?
B Of course. It's a bit of fun and always raises quite a lot of money so you've got a deep red top to wear, but nothing too over the top because you've got a client meeting in the morning.
C You've got three joke shop outfits to choose from and can't decide which one is the funniest. You know the head of the department likes people to still look smart but what's the point of dressing up if you can't go the full hog?
5. Anyone who is still at work on Christmas Eve is invited to the canteen for a mince pie and a drink at 2pm while the MD says a few words of thank you and wishes everyone a Happy Christmas. You will be at work, but will you go?
A No, but you do ask your colleague to bring you back a mince pie.
B You pop along and chat to a few people afterwards, but opt for a soft drink as you're driving home.
C It's supposed to be one glass of alcohol per person, but you manage to swipe a few more than that and end up heckling the MD as soon as she arrives.
Your Results
Mostly A's Bah humbug. Even Scrooge would probably tell you to lighten up a bit and stop being such a party pooper. Even if you think it's all a bit much, there's no need to spoil the fun for others. You never know, you might even enjoy yourself.
Mostly B's You like the run-up to Christmas and all the jollities in the office, but without going overboard. You do still have a job to do after all.
Mostly C's You could do with a reality check and re-thinking your behaviour. It's one thing to enter into the spirit of things, but you are prone to going over the top and end up looking very unprofessional.

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