April 2004 - Business Finance
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1000's of admin jobs under threat
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Key admin skills highlighted in new report
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Desk-bound Diaries
It's nearly six months since Janie left the world of computers, office politics and the 9-5 routine, but still her workplace buddy Kerry enjoys keeping her up to date with the goss. This month, Kerry suffers at the hands of a over-enthusiastic personal trainer, while back at base Perry finds a rather innovative solution to Amy's keyboard problem.
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Dear ReadersPenny Cottee Secretarial newsletter editor
Welcome to the April issue of DeskDemon's online newsletter - I hope you're getting used to seeing these dropping into your inbox each month, and that you're finding them of value. In this edition we're taking a look at the dark arts of business finance. Many of you today are responsible for spending the company's budget, so we thought it would be a good idea to offer some tips and guidance on the best ways to go shopping with the firm's money!
Gone are the days when you could brush away any mention of matters financial with a light wave of the hand and an unselfconscious, "Oh, don't talk to me about figures!" It may not be your favourite topic, but to be taken seriously in today's workplace financial knowledge is a must-have. Author and editor of DeskDemon's career strand, Sally Longson, explains why
Nothing in business is more important than money. Businesses exist to create value, expressed as revenue and share price. So, if you've been put in charge of this vital component in the operation, it is testimony to the trust you have earned, says financial journalist John Hancock
We've all done it - bought something that really wasn't right. (Hand on heart - whose wardrobe doesn't hold at least one expensive mistake?) But when you're spending the firm's money, you can't afford to make costly errors. Business journalist Sara Goodwins outlines some expert advice to help you spruce up your purchasing skills

Highly skilled budgeters always seem to know how key elements will affect their financial plans in future - but how? Do they polish up the crystal ball, or check their horoscopes? If they're sensible, they probably get Microsoft Excel to do it for them. Here's how…
Yes, the boss wants an all-singing, all-dancing conference. Yes, she wants to invite everyone she's ever met. But will she pay for it? No! It's your job to wave your magic wand, and produce a show-stopper on a shoe-string. Top PA Lee Morrissey has been there and done that… several times. Here, she shares some insider cost-saving tips

When you were a kid you probably indulged in traditional tantrum techniques to get your own way - screaming, foot stamping, and dropping like a dead weight to the floor. As adults, we have to develop more subtle ways of achieving our ends. Editor Penny Cottee offers some tips to help you bring in that deal!
We all feel pleased to negotiate a discount and save the firm some money. But if price is the most important part of your purchasing strategy, you may be missing hidden costs elsewhere. The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply has identified Six Rights of Purchasing to guide all those involved in buying. And guess where 'Price' comes? At the bottom of the list...!

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