Asking for money is never easy - especially from
the boss! But there's a right way to do it, and a wrong way. We asked
senior PA Ann Nuckley to let us in on her
secrets of success. After all, she persuaded by employers to fund a university
course for her!
a business climate which dictates that PAs must, more than ever, be flexible,
adaptable and knowledgeable, PA's need to be aware of how they can "grow
their own" development to meet the needs of their expanding role
and match that with the needs of the employer.
But how can a PA manage new situations and projects if they have not
been given adequate training to do so? Bosses employing the "seagull"
method of delegation (that is dropping something from a great height
and then running!) all too often expect that somehow matters will be
taken care of, without regard to how it will be achieved. It is at this
point that the consummate PA begins to build a case so that she/he can
obtain the knowledge and confidence in order to carry out the proposed
Firstly, you need to identify your training needs. These may arise
from a particular project that your business has entered into, or in
my own case, the College Development Plan, which identifies the directions
and growth the College will take in the next five years. Next, you need
to take a look at what's on offer from the myriad training options on
offer, from online learning to part-time study at university.
Take a good look around. And whatever you do, don't plump for the first
programme on offer. Identify location, cost, and timelines - very important.
No good booking anything to start in March next year when the requirement
is imminent. Ask yourself, whether the course would benefit others in
your company. Course providers may give a discount for more than one
delegate, or come to your place of business to deliver the programme
which works out cheaper per head.
Do your homework
When you have decided on your course, go through it with a fine tooth
comb so you can answer any question on it, including why you think it's
the best option. Look at each module, and ask yourself how it will enhance
the organisation or department if you are trained in these topics. Make
sure your answers are based on fact, not emotion, and keep linking back
to business objectives.
Prepare a short presentation for your manager, to demonstrate the link
between how your training will enhance and empower him or her, and your
need to support your employer in the best way possible.
Rehearse your presentation! Business cases are not based on waffle -
know what you want to say before you go in. Be calm and professional.
Having done your homework, book a specific time with your boss (not
just a quick chat in the corridor!). You know your boss, so choose the
best time for getting his or her full attention. Lay your case out clearly
- and focus on business benefits. Remember, too, to emphasise to your
manager that you're offering to take responsibility for certain areas,
and adding them to your job description. It's quite an offer!
In my own circumstances, I had been taking on more and more personnel
duties and felt I needed a much broader depth of knowledge and understanding
in order to gain competency and confidence. I was in the frontline of
teacher recruitment and contracts of employment - a legal minefield!
So, I outlined to my boss how vulnerable we were in this area, and also
that budget spent training me was money saved on calling in experts
for every recruitment issue that arose.
Similarly, I explained that our expanding administration department
needed management and a structure for their performance management and
continual professional development. I needed training myself to administer
this correctly. Both my business cases identified gaps in the college's
provision, and solutions to those gaps - my training.
Put yourself in their shoes
Think beforehand about key issues such as the time needed out of the
office for study, and who will cover for you. Although most of my study
time was outside work, I had already lined up a colleague of mine to
deputise for me. Put yourself in your manager's position, and think
what you would want to know if the roles were reversed.
I made my case to attend the University of Greenwich in order to obtain
Personnel qualifications as a mature student. I gained the chartered
Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development - graduate status
(MCIPD). I studied in the evenings and weekends and was granted time
to sit my exams on days by prior arrangement with my College.
They were sufficiently persuaded by my business case and generously
paid my University fees. I am pleased to say I use my personnel training
each working day, and that my line manager, the Principal of the College,
agrees that my newly-acquired expertise is of great value. To me, that
sounds like a win-win situation!