December 2003
One step back, five steps forward!
Time to give?
Make your stand!
A question of balance
Could YOU be a flexible worker?
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Management assistants do it online
Working together for working parents
Boosting career opportunities for secretaries
Is your job at risk?
Have you claimed your rights at work?
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The Times Crème Manchester Executive Secretary and PA Event
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Desk-bound Diaries
With Janie away travelling the world, Kerry is left to deal with office life alone.
A post-card from Janie's latest exotic destination reminds Kerry she must drop her a line, to fill her in on the day-to-day fun she's left behind...
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One step back, five steps forward!
The end of the year is a great time to take a step back, and assess the balance between the many areas in your life - career, family, leisure and relationships. During your festive break, why not take a moment to evaluate your priorities, and build an exciting plan for the coming year. With these five easy steps from life coach Dr Andrée Bates, you'll find making positive changes is not as tough as you think...
Secretary balancing her life, work and familyWould you change anything in your life if you could? Are you happy in your job? Is it time for a promotion? Do you need to move your career on to a new level? Perhaps you'd like to change direction altogether, or would like a pay increase. Do you wish you had more time to spend with your children, family and friends? Are you yearning for a more relaxed lifestyle? Maybe you'd like to lose weight?
Whatever is it that you'd like to change, the end of the year is a great time to take stock of where you are, focus on where you want to be, and draw up a plan to help you get there. Changing your life can be fun - and it's not as difficult as you might imagine, when you know how.
So, how do you start this process? Get a pen and paper, organise some time alone, and start working on your plan...
Examine your life
List areas of your life as headings, for example, work/career, family and friends, relationships, emotional and physical health, money and finances, etc. Underneath your headings, write down everything that is going on in each area. What needs changing? Maybe your work is causing you more stress than fulfilment. Maybe you could lose some weight. Perhaps it's time for a new job? Think about which ones are priorities.
Now look at the problem areas which show up, and ask yourself what would make that area perfect. Envisage the ideal scenario for you - what does it look like in your imagination? If there were no obstacles, what three single changes would give you the most joy and relief? Now put these three changes into a specific short-term result, e.g. 'Fit into my size 10 black trousers by January 30th 2004', 'Have a salary increase of £5,000 by March 2004'. Then, write a list of all the things that having this result would give you emotionally. This stage is all about creating your vision.
Your back-up
Next, think about everything that you already have that could help you in the areas you listed. For example, 'I have a computer', 'I know what foods are good for me', 'I have achieved xyz in the past', 'My boss is keen for me to progress', etc. You have a lot more resources available to you that will help you accomplish the results you stated than you realise. Be grateful for all you already have and how much more you can have and become with these resources.
Action plan
Create your massive action plan. What are all the things you can think of that you would need to do to achieve your vision? Write everything you can think of that you could do. Make them small achievable logical steps. Each day look at this plan and do some of these small, simple actions daily. Maybe you can call an adult education centre and ask for a brochure. How about decreasing the quantity of food you are eating. Why not resolve to leave work on time three days a week?
Whatever the small steps are, work on them daily. Daily action will reap enormous rewards in a short space of time. Small consistent steps add up to major gains in your life. Do something every day, and you will build a sense of achievement.
Don't delay
Act immediately. Now you have your goals and your list, act upon it and do something towards achieving your goals - immediately. Don't put your plan away for another six months. Start working on it now.
Understand about failure!
If you feel you have failed one day or more - don't give up. Remember - the most successful people in the world have failed the most, but the secret to their success was that they kept going anyway. They found a new way and tried that. And if that didn't work they tried another way, and so on. Don't be afraid to fail. It's a necessary part of living and learning. If you do stumble, pick yourself up and keep going.

People create their own future with their goals, actions and their beliefs. The extraordinary life changes I have seen with clients in my coaching practice (over very short periods of time) are incredible. What human beings are capable of when they consistently apply themselves is amazing. Figure out where you want your thoughts (and then your consistent actions) to lead you before you set off, and then follow the road to living your life, your way. And remember… there is only one success - to be able to live your life your way.

Check out more than 50 reviewed online resources (UK and US) for changing several areas of your life, at mastery-coaching.com
And check out the 'Career Tools' from DeskDemon's careers expert Sally Longson at www.deskdemon.com/pages/uk/career/index

Dr Andrée Bates is a Life and Business Coach, and runs Mastery Coaching. For more information about how coaching can start the positive process of change in your life, call 212-208-3002 (in the US). Or visit www.mastery-coaching.com

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