Title: Go Play! Post by: chevygirl55 on March 15, 2005, 01:53:35 pm Ok....A few months ago I went to my cupboard to get out a tampon and
there was ONLY one left. I could have sworn I had just bought a box the month before. So, I go back to the store, buy a new box and forget about it. The next month I go back to the cupboard.....and VOILA....there is only ONE tampon left again. What's going on here? Gremlins??? I go to the store and buy another box, and forget about it. WELL.....I decided to clean out my two youngest sons closet and LOW and BEHOLD....at the bottom of their closet are the wrappers, applicators and the tampons themselves. I am starting to FREAK!!! Dear God, what are they doing with them?????? I get a hold of myself and tell myself that I am an adult and can handle this, despite the bizarre thoughts running through my mind. I'm thinking, "Do I have enough money saved up in the bank for MAJOR THERAPY?" I go to the top of the stairs and yell for my two youngest sons to "COME HERE!!!!" They march up the stairs and find me in their room staring into the bottom of their closet. I said "What are you doing with THOSE? THOSE are MINE!" My 12 year old looks like a deer caught in the headlights and is silent. My 10 year old looks at me all innocent and says. "Well, Mom, we were playing with our G.I. Joe's and stuff... and THOSE make really good SCUD missiles... What do YOU use them for?" "NEVER MIND!! GO PLAY!!!!" Title: Re: Go Play! Post by: laurafmcdermott on March 15, 2005, 03:28:41 pm I love that! Is this your story? I am laughing so hard!
Title: Re: Go Play! Post by: chevygirl55 on March 15, 2005, 08:51:26 pm Not mine, however we did have a cat that liked to get under the bathroom sink and pull wrapped feminine products out to play with. He would invariably pull one out and bring it to the living room, tossing it in the air, running and chasing it when we had company. Guess he liked the sound the paper wrapper made. Actually, it was a hoot to see how people responded!
Title: Re: Go Play! Post by: tiffanyctd on March 22, 2005, 08:52:52 pm OMG, my cat does that too!