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General Discussion => Admins 4 Admins => Topic started by: Katie G on August 13, 2001, 09:57:29 am

Title: Opportunity knocks......
Post by: Katie G on August 13, 2001, 09:57:29 am
It's amazing what can come down the pike.  After all my grousing here about the hush-hush nonsense over getting a new VP, I was called into a meeting with our OM.  New VP needs an "assistant" and OM wants to recommend...ME!  It would be a nice salary increase and, more importantly, more involvement and responsibility.  I had been in line to take over the budget coordination, but numbers aren't really my thing and my creative bent couldn't be satisfied in that area either (how creative can you be with a budget?!).

VP is coming to the office on Thursday (although he doesn't actually start until mid-September) to go over the budget with our budget head, so it'll be a chance to meet him at least casually and maybe get a general "read" on him (Can I work with this guy's personality?  And what's his definition of an "assistant"?)

Sitting on pins and needles.......  

Title: Crossing my fingers...
Post by: countrigal on August 13, 2001, 10:09:57 am
And sending good vibes your way that this will turn out to the best for you.

Congrats on being considered!

~~~~~~~~~~Godd Vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Title: Re: Crossing my fingers...
Post by: chris68 on August 13, 2001, 10:15:31 am
Hey didface, this sounds wonderful, I hope things work out for you.

Congrats and positive vibes coming your way...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Good Vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Title: Re: Crossing my fingers...
Post by: donnap99 on August 13, 2001, 10:24:35 am
Wonderful!!!  Don't let any of those pins poke you!    

Title: Re: Crossing my fingers...
Post by: sueg22 on August 13, 2001, 10:25:50 am
Didface - congratulations on the new possibility.  I hope it works out just the way you wish it to!

Just curious - how does your company work this type of thing - are you given the opportunity to say no and stay where you are currently, or are secretaries/assistants commandeered when a new boss comes in?  

Best of luck to you!



Title: Re: Crossing my fingers...
Post by: Katie G on August 13, 2001, 11:02:34 am

To answer your question, it depends on the level of the person requiring the assistant and the level of the assistant.  In the lower levels, people are assigned a secretary by the department Office Manager, (For instance, in my current position, I'm assigned to support two directors, but I report to the Office Manager.)  At this level, most of the secretaries, including yours truly, are unionized, so that comes into play as well.  If things don't work out, the secretary is usually "reassigned" instead of let go.  (Personally, I do NOT see this as a good thing.  We have some folks around here who do NOTHING but take up space, time, matter, and energy, yet are making the same as those of us who are busting our butts, but since we're also in the union, some people "paint us with the same brush" as the slackers. )

At the Asst. VP level on up, it's a little more "personal" if you will.  You are interviewed and hired by the person you directly support.  The assistants at this level are not unionized although there's still a "due process" policy in place with HR.  All in all, I'd rather work at a higher level and be recognized for my efforts and accomplishments.  

Anyway, just got the word that Mr. VP wants to make some time to meet with me on Thursday.  (Oh, geez, I'd better get my hair trimmed before then.  I look like a sheepdog!  Not very professional at all!)