PA and Secretary Community -

General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: bethalize on September 11, 2001, 08:37:25 am

Title: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: bethalize on September 11, 2001, 08:37:25 am
Have you seen this? Is anyone out there watching?

I just want to cry - all those people.

Is everyone here okay?


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: laundryhater on September 11, 2001, 08:43:02 am
No, I don't have a T.V. at work.

What happened??

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: juspeachy on September 11, 2001, 08:45:23 am
I was wondering the same thing?  I know we have some members from the New York area.  And due to high volume internet traffic, I can't get to any of the news sites that I frequent.

I just heard someone from over the partition say the Pentegon is on fire?!?  Think I'm going home...

JusPeachy (and nervous) in GA

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: elleny on September 11, 2001, 08:58:04 am
Ok, here is what I know.  2, yes 2 planes have crashed into the World Trade Center.  One of which was a hijacked AA 767.  Also, the Pentagon's helicopter pad was bombed.  

Ellen (n tears) in TX  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: countrigal on September 11, 2001, 09:09:03 am
So far, the Pentagon isn't saying anything about plane or bombing... so far it's rumored - rumor only - that a plane crashed into the Pentagon.

NY is shut down, all bridges and tunnels...

Any of our NY'ers out there.... speak up and let us know you're ok as soon as possible!

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: elleny on September 11, 2001, 09:24:47 am
My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who has been hurt or has friends and family who have been hurt.  We are all praying for you.

Ellen (so, so angry) in TX  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: elleny on September 11, 2001, 09:32:07 am
Anyone who doesn't know.  Both buildings are gone.  BOTH.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: whitesatin on September 11, 2001, 09:32:37 am
Both towers at the World Trade Center have collapsed due to at least two and now they are saying 3 planes have crashed into the WTC.  There is a fire at the White House outside on the mall.  The Pentagon has also been attacked.  All airports have been reported to be closed. A jet was spotted in a "No Fly Zone" near the White House.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: mcbethers on September 11, 2001, 09:33:16 am
As bad as I'm feeling for the victims and their families, my thoughts and sympathies are going to all the emergency service people that have to deal with this.  I know that they're going up against a no-win situation, and these people are going to be emotional wrecks afterwards. No one should have to deal with what they're going to see and deal with.

Everybody, I hope you take it easy.

Working very quietly in Winnipeg Manitoba (Canada)...


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: dragonladybug on September 11, 2001, 09:39:17 am
Latest report is that both World Trade Towers have completely collapsed after the explosions.  Some type of aircraft crashed into the helicopter pad at the Pentagon.

Just heard a report that a second airliner en route to Washington has been hijacked.

And a car bomb at the State Department.

I happened to be logged on to a news radio site before any of this happened, so have been listening non-stop.

All international flights for Washington and New York rerouted to Canada.

All takeoffs have been grounded at all airports and flights in the air have been turned back.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: elleny on September 11, 2001, 09:48:28 am
I've just been told that they are evacutating some of the Downtown office buildings here in Dallas.  Hopefully, they won't hit here.  

Ellen (Praying for everyone) in TX  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: deedeeb on September 11, 2001, 09:51:05 am
I just spoke to my daughter (lives in Queens but works in Manhattan, mid-town, not lower) and she tells me she isn't even bothering to try to get to work - no subways, all tunnels and bridges closed, so no buses - the entire island is shut down.  We were just praying for all those poor people, I can't even begin to comprehend this or what purpose it is supposed to serve.  It's inconceivable.  My sister works in NY several days a week and her new office is in the Village, just before the WTC and "something" told her last night not to go in today.  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: bethalize on September 11, 2001, 10:09:32 am
I've just spoken to Andrea who is very, very upset. She is stuck in an office with no fax or Internet connection, TV or radio. She wanted you all to know how worried she is for all of you.

NYGuy, Yankeestarbuck and anyone else who has mentioned they live in Washington or New York, please check in with us, just so that we know that you are okay.

Our prayers continue.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: whitesatin on September 11, 2001, 10:19:14 am
There was a report on the radio that a plane crashed near Camp David in Maryland.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: countrigal on September 11, 2001, 10:30:36 am
Prayers are going out to all of our members in NY, Washington, and all the increasing number of concerned areas.

As you get a chance, please check in with us and let us know if you and yours are ok.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: winkiebear on September 11, 2001, 10:32:04 am
I know NY Guy is ok, just not able to get here.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: ozbound on September 11, 2001, 10:53:31 am
Holy Grief. I was trying to get ready for work this morning...and everytime I turned around something else happened.  Yikes. I couldn't believe it!    I made it to work but of course nobody really has their mind on work--I think everybody's either listening to the radio and/or on the "net and talking about it. And praying for all those poor dear people who have been killed or hurt, and their families. May God have mercy on us all...

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: execsec on September 11, 2001, 11:01:08 am
Downtown Oklahoma City is also evacuating some of their buildings and closing off some of their downtown streets.  Tinker AFB is on high alert and non-essentials are told to go home.  I'm glad I no longer work at the television station, it would be 'round-the clock work.  I'm praying for everyone.

Title: Prayer
Post by: ozbound on September 11, 2001, 11:09:58 am
At my work those who wish to participate, are having a prayer circle at 10:30 this morning, Pacific Time for the people involved in the tragedy and for our nation. Please feel free to join us at the same time in your relative time zone, if you feel so inclined!

Title: Re: Prayer
Post by: chris68 on September 11, 2001, 11:26:06 am
Okay I am here folks and in Upstate NY listening to local radio and MSNBC tv to get all the details.

Here is how I know things to be at the present:

a) Both World Trade Center Buildings are GONE...belived to have had other bombs planted in the building to go off shortly after the planes crashed according to the way the buildings went down, they did not topple over.

b)  Pentagon has a fire from a plane crash and are trying to put out fires there, and Pres. Bush is in the air attempting to land somewhere, not saying.

c) Camp David has been attacked by a plane as well.

d) More planes are unaccounted for, hence the reason for Elleny's post of buildings closing down for safety reasons.

e)  Plane crash near Pittsburg (not Pittsburg airport but close by)

On a lighter note, I was in the doctors office getting a tooth pulled at the time of all of these events, thoughts and prayers going out to all the folks in NY and everywhere this tragety has hit, its a terrible state of affairs.  Also thoughts and prayers to all the rescue workers out there for they have a grim job ahead of them, and we appreciate all of their efforts.

Prayers to all the families that your loved ones are accounted for and for those that are not continued prayers that you will make it thru this difficult time and that justice will be served to those that are involved in this major american tragety.


Title: Re: Prayer
Post by: jlkee on September 11, 2001, 11:35:12 am
Philadelphia has closed all it's government buildings, schools, and historic attractions.  Some good news...the company I work for had an office in the WTC, and all of our employees are okay!  My prayers are with all of those affected, and their families.  This is a horrible tragedy that should not have happened.

Title: Re: Prayer
Post by: countrigal on September 11, 2001, 11:56:09 am
The President has landed in New Orleans and is promising retribution to those who perpetrated this attack on "Freedom".

When I think of all the thousands and thousands of lives that have been affected it makes me cringe.  Estimates are that approx 10,000 employees PER TOWER of the Trade building plus another 5,000 visitors are involved in just that portion of this attack.  Not to mention the number of passengers on the planes, in the streets below, buildings near-by, etc.

May God be with everyone in the areas of these attacks, and with those who have family or friends in those areas.  This will take a long time to get over!

Title: Re: Prayer
Post by: chris68 on September 12, 2001, 12:03:29 am
Retraction.......just in on MSNBC Camp David was not attacked.

And now evidence that there are deaths involved at the Pentagon, no details yet.


Title: The true meaning of impotence...
Post by: andrea843 on September 12, 2001, 12:33:29 am
Sitting here in London, watching in disbelief makes it all so much harder for some reason. The interet is so glutted with people logging on that our access at the office is intermittant, but seems to be okay if slow, from the house here, where I have gone to tearfully watch the same film over and over and over again.

It's difficult to express the feelings of sadness and outrage, and to know the true impotence which comes in the face of such evil.  There is no cause, no matter how just, how important, that would be worth all the lives that were lost today.

Those of you who are directly affected, my heart goes out to you, those who, like me can only sit on the sidelines watching in stunned disbelief the film over and over, and the billowing smoke that was once the trade centers, know that it's okay to come here and vent.  It's all we can do.

London has evacuated most office buildings that have anything remotely to do with governement functions and even 6000 miles away the reality carried thru internet and television is more horrifying than anyone could have ever dreamed. all flights back to the states have been cancelled and my trip has been extended, but know the world is watching with the same sense of outrage that you all feel right at this moment in time.

Loss does different things to different people, and we all lost something today.  Whether you're in the US, or London or Paris or Frankfurt, we all lost something precious today.

In the coming days, many will show the effects of this attack, like mugging victims, now afraid to go out in the dark, there will be fear and then outrage that so criminal and dark an act could be carried out on a sunny New york morning.  We no doubt lost colleagues today, people who went to work, and will not come home. People who did nothing more than get to their desks with that first cup of coffee before the world changed.

We'll keep this thread open and not move it to Topical Climates as we normally would for such a topic, and for me it helps a greiving heart to write.... so expect to hear from me....lots.


Title: My part to help
Post by: elleny on September 11, 2001, 01:04:54 pm
To all:

If you can please give some blood today.  They will need as much as they can get, and I'm sure most major cities will be doing blood drives.  In Dallas, the drive is being held at reunion arena.

Ellen in TX  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: xarinablacuratrice on September 11, 2001, 01:21:23 pm
I sit her in total disbelief, hard to concentrate on anything besides wanting to hug my kids and every single person who lost a loved one.

My heart and prayers go out to everyone.


(fyi a game I play's name is Xarina)


Title: Re: My part to help
Post by: coolbossgirlchick on September 11, 2001, 01:26:10 pm
Everyone here is in shock...(London Ontario CANADA).  I pray for all those involved in this tragedy.  May God Bless us all.


Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: lioness70 on September 11, 2001, 01:34:07 pm
I turned on the TV this morning after my mother told me that two planes crashed into the WTC.  I will never forget the horror of seeing one of them collapse on live TV.  I sat there in shock.  I can't even comprehend what the people who were there when those buildings collapsed went through.  Or the people who were on those hijacked planes.  I cried and couldn't stop.  All those people...all these lives lost...for what?  I turned off the TV when they reported that people in Palestine were dancing in the streets.  After countless innocent people lost their LIVES.  I couldn't take any more.

My BIL's best man's office was at the Twin Towers.  I only pray that he got out in time.

Words cannot express what I saw today.  God Bless and pray for all those families.

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: countrigal on September 11, 2001, 02:01:34 pm
As bad as it sounds... I'm envious of those of you who have access to a tv to watch this.  Most of my information this morning came from Liz and what sketchy info was available through the radio.  I wish I had access to a TV so I could see some of what is happening and better understand the amount of destruction that has occurred -- and be in a place where tears would be possible.  I've given myself a headache holding in the tears and frustration over this whole event.  I'm hoping that classes will be cancelled tonight so I can get to a TV and see what I've been hearing about all day.  And I continue to send my prayers out for all those involved or who know someone involved.

The anger I feel at the response of those Palestinians dancing in the streets is so extreme...  How anyone could celebrate any deaths, much less the numbers that were involved here is unbelievable.  But it seems that the attack itself is over.  Now we take care of our wounded and try to head toward the road to recovery.  It will take days before we know the full cost of this attack...  

Tears, frustration, anger... this is so hard to believe.

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: nici on September 11, 2001, 02:25:13 pm
We are still sitting here, watching TV, and we are watching the pictures over and over again, too, but I still can't believe it. All people here are shocked, and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Its gonna be a long long night here...


Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: Katie G on September 11, 2001, 02:40:16 pm
I feel sick.  I simply cannot function today.  

I have not gotten anything done.  Nobody seems to care.  The office is silent.

(In addition to all those affected by this hideous act, I found myself thinking about people who live in areas where terrorism is an everyday occurance.  My God, how do they face each day?)  

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: countrigal on September 11, 2001, 02:52:39 pm
I agree Did... it sure brings it home hard, don't it?  Makes us aware of what we had so well.

I've heard from YankeeStarbuck and she's fine.  To quote... "I'm fine, for now".  So that about sums up the feelings of shock and disbelief going through everyone, especially those from around those areas that were hit.

How am I supposed to get through class tonight when I haven't been able to get a thing done today at work?  I feel helpless, sitting here when so many are in need of help.  Going to donate blood as soon as possible, that is one small thing I can do for now....

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: marieh2000 on September 11, 2001, 02:57:19 pm
We have not accomplished anything today either.  Every TV and radio in the office is on.   Our area is also having a run on gasoline, don't know if its panic or what, but the lines to get gas are unreal (they also had a fire at a gas refinery in a neighboring town, that could be what's causing the panic).


Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: northcarolina on September 11, 2001, 02:58:46 pm
I am sick, just sick over this.  I've been in tears all day.  I've finally had to walk away from the tv - because I am just so overwhelmed.  We, as a nation, have all been affected.  Whoever thought that something of this magnitude could happen here?  My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone - as we are all victims.  We (America) have lost our innocence and it is a black day.  My heart is broken and I am at such loss - how do I explain this to my child?  How do you tell your child that there are people in this world who can do something like this?  I'm sorry to ramble - I am in such a state of shock.

Again - all TAAer's in the affected areas - please, please check in and let us know you are ok and know that you are all in my prayers.


Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: divinemsm on September 11, 2001, 04:36:21 pm
I was just about to leave for work this AM when I saw the Today show carrying live footage of the World Trade Center on fire.  Then I saw the second plane hit the other tower ... shocking.  I had to force myself to quit watching TV and leave for work.

All the way there, I was thinking about our company's CFO (who's one of the people I work for, and whose office is across the hall from me).  He was supposed to fly to our office on Long Island this morning, through Chicago.   I kept hoping he wasn't on one of the planes that hit the WTC towers.  (We later heard from him ... he was stuck at Midway.  In early afternoon, he called from the train station in Chicago -- he's taking a train back to STL later today.  Lord knows when he'll get his car back -- it's in a parking lot at the STL airport, which is shut down.)  

Meanwhile, our CEO is stuck on Long Island.  Thank God/dess. (He was in Manhattan yesterday on biz, but went out to the Island last night.)  Somehow, his assistant managed to get him a Southwest flight back here tomorrow afternoon.

It's just sickening.  My thoughts and prayers are with those of you in NY and DC.

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: tlc2559 on September 11, 2001, 04:45:42 pm
We too, have all been watching tv today and listening to the radio.  I've been holding in tears.....this is so unbelievable.

My SO has family members that work for the CIA and for quite awhile today we didn't know where they were...fortunately, they were on vacation somewhere else.  He also has family some 30 miles by car / 2 mins by air from where the plane crashed in PA.  His BIL saw the plane fly over.

My son's college professor let them out of class today because this was all any of them wanted to talk aobut.  He told them to go home and watch the coverage, because it will be something they will never forget.

What a terrible, terrible day.  My heart and prayers go out to everyone.  I think of all those people who possibly didn't make it out, all those children that may not have parents just makes me cry.  This is another tragedy that everyone will remember where they were and what they were doing.

I hope all of our TAA people in that area are ok.

Praying for them, the victims, and the emergency workers and volunteers.


Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: bethalize on September 11, 2001, 05:19:44 pm
Julie AKA Jewels6567-check in with us, please, just to reassure us, as we know you're in Washington.

sueg22 - you're from NY aren't you? Energizer -living in Penn State and working in NJ?

I'm sure I'm making a needless fuss, but I'm used to a much smaller scale of things, so AFAIK all of your work in the same ten square miles.

I think this is the beginning of a new era.

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: phoenix55 on September 11, 2001, 06:47:25 pm
I just got home from a conference I arranged where unfortunately, 75% of our participants worked and/or lived in the city.  All the while trying to get them home or somehow help them get in touch with family, I've been thinking of you all on here.  I was so glad to see those familiar names and that you're okay; for those we haven't heard from yet, I'll be including them in my prayers along with the friends and family of my coworkers.

Title: Re: World Trade Center
Post by: countrigal on September 11, 2001, 08:11:22 pm
I realise that checking in with this site is the last thing on those peoples minds that might be in some way affected directly by this tragedy...but until we hear from you all we're going to worry and pray for you.  Please, as soon as you can, let us hear from you in some small way.  We are a family here, and I am finding myself checking in every 5 minutes or so just to see if any of our members from the affected areas have responded.

Hoping and praying to see all our familiar names here soon... and standing behind President Bush and his words (to paraphrase) that no matter where the perpetrators of this hide, they will be found and taken to task for putting America and the world through this.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: sueg22 on September 11, 2001, 08:12:19 pm
Bethalize and others,

I am okay.  I work on Long Island, but we have our worldwide headquarters about a block away from the WTC Complex.  I was on the phone with someone in that office while this happened and my boss was there today for meetings.  We evacuated our NYC downtown buildings about 11AM.  Thankfully, the folks that I know in our two headquarter buildings are okay.  It took my boss quite a while to get out of Manhattan today (the car was in there with the boss) and I'm sure it was just awful trying to get out.  This is all just so surreal -- I have spent all day calling people I know who work in the area (and being in the NY financial biz, I know plenty of them).  I am soooo thankful that the people I know and love are okay, yet I am so saddened that so many don't know where their family members and loved ones are.  They are now saying there are at least 200 firefighters missing.  The tremendous toll that this will take on this area is unfathomable.


Thanks for your concern, I am glad to see that others are okay -- hold your loved ones close and tell them how special they are to you.   May God have mercy on us all.  


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: sueg22 on September 11, 2001, 08:14:33 pm
Oh, and my brother who is at a government agency in Washington is fine, as are my two cousins who work at the Pentagon.  I figure I've never mentioned these folks here before, but good news needs to be shared!  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: chris68 on September 11, 2001, 09:13:16 pm
My Uncle works in Manhattan and he reported back to my mom this morning to let her know he was okay.  I had forgotten that mom said he lived in NYC now and where he was located.  At the time of his posting he said it was very erie outside cause everything had been closed down, but happy to report that he was okay.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: kohinoor on September 12, 2001, 01:56:31 am
My heart goes out to all of you in America.

When I heard about this tragedy yesterday afternoon in the office I tried to check in with you but could not get into the net. I wanted to tell you how much we all here in Germany feel with you. I wish we could help you in some way in this hour of need.

We watched tv last night till midnight, tears in the eyes, not able to believe what we saw. And when they showed those Palestinians dancing in the streets I wanted to hit them right into their laughing faces. No cause in this world, politically or religious or whatever is good enough to have thousands of innocent people die for it.

I pray for the victims of this act of terror and I hope that those responsible for this will soon be found an punished.

Don't remain in this state of shock. Thats what those terrorist want. Stand up an fight. Show the world what you are: a proud and strong nation with strong people ready to defend themselves and the world and freedom you believe in.

We all are with you.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: julianagermany on September 12, 2001, 03:36:54 am
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the people who died in this terrible attack and the ones who lost their beloved ones.

I followed the broadcast all day yesterday and saw this horrible scene of the World Trade Center collapsing over and over again. I was shocked and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I keep on thinking of this horrible tragedy and as probably all of us, really hope the people responsible will be found and punished without any more innocent people dying.

As KohiNoor just wrote, we all feel with you - all Germany is in shock and disbelief, we all cannot understand why this has happened.

I feel quite helpless and would do anything to support the victims of this terrible act. Does anyone know if an account for donnations has already been set up for the victims and their families?

I hope none of you have been affected and also that they will be able to rescue some survivors in the ruins.

I pray for all of us that this will come to a peaceful end.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: msmarieh on September 12, 2001, 07:08:29 am
I was happy to get word this morning that my brother who works at the Pentagon is safe and sound.

The company where I am temping set up large screens with live tv coverage in our office cafeteria yesterday so we could watch the events. Ended up letting us leave after lunch as no one was getting anything done anyway.

I have volunteered with Red Cross disaster services for almost 10 years and sadly have seen many horrendous things but nothing on this scale. Unbelievable how sick some people can be.

My heart is indeed going out not only to the victims and their families but to the emergency workers. The devastation was so great that they will find few bodies and many body parts. It's a horrible horrible experience. I have known rescue workers that were served ground beef after plane crashes and became physically ill almost to the point of a nervous breakdown. We have actually established food guidelines at disasters for this very reason: no ground meat products, no red or brown products to remind people of blood (for goodness sake don't serve chili!), etc. The Red Cross, Fire departments, police departments and other emergency personnel have trained for this type of disaster year after year but they still never truly expect to use their training. I myself have cross trained in preparation for not only natural disasters, but nuclear accidents and terrorist attacks.

Certainly they pray that it does not become necessary.

If you want to help, there are several ways you can (and some ways you SHOULDN'T!).

1) DO donate blood. Contact your local Red Cross, LifeSource, Hospital, etc. However, be prepared for very long lines. With all the coverage, people know this is one of the few ways they can help and they are overwhelming the centers this week. The reality however is that the blood supplies will be needed for weeks. Consider waiting a week before you call so that they will have a steady stream of incoming blood, rather than a flood of blood initially. Most of the current supplies will be sent to NY. Locally collected blood will most likely remain local to replenish the lost supplies.

2) DO donate money. Contact the Red Cross at 1-800-HELP-NOW. This is one of the most effective methods of helping. They use the  money in a variety of ways: providing meals for the victims and emergency workers, assisting with burial and other expenses of the victims, helping any displaced families with their short term emergency needs, acting as a disaster welfare inquiry liaison to reunite victims and families. I would also request that you donate to the GENERAL disaster relief fund, NOT earmarking the funds specifically for NY. I know after the LA earthquake they ended up with a ridiculous amount of money that had to be set up for earthquakes, but was far in excess of what they needed. They cannot then use the money where it would do the most good. In Oklahoma City, the Red Cross was the lead agency that worked with local agencies to distribute the funds collected fairly and appropriately.

I have not yet heard of condos/apartments in that area, but I would imagine that they have been affected as well.

3) DO stop and send up a prayer to whoever it is you pray to. We can never have too many prayers.

DO NOT help by sending used clothing, blankets etc. There are several reasons why the Red Cross prefers to use money to purchase new articles of clothing when possible rather than providing used clothing: 1) It is a point of pride for the families when they have lost everything to be able to buy something new; 2) It helps to rebuild the local economies that are often affected if not devastated during disasters; 3) It allows consistency of service to disaster victims.

IF the emergency service personnel need anything, they will publicize the request. Exceptions would be corporate in-kind donations such as truckloads of bottled water, cleaning supplies, etc. They will be happy to take these, but will need to plan for their receipt and distribution in advance.

DO NOT show up on the emergency site to offer assistance if you live locally. If and when they need volunteers they will put out the call. The reality is that they need TRAINED volunteers who already know what to do. While your concern is appreciated you are actually just becoming one more individual to be worried about at the scene and one more obstacle to the emergency personnel being able to move about freely.

Deep in prayer,



Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: msmarieh on September 12, 2001, 07:31:27 am
Also here are some resources that may help you to figure out how to talk to your kids about this:

Talking with Kids About the News

Talking to Children about Violence

How to Talk to Your Children About the News


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: goldenearring on September 12, 2001, 07:38:15 am
And, if you don't absolutely need gas, don't buy it today.  It was pathetic to watch up to 50 or 60 cars in line to buy gas last night.  Yes, there will be price gougers out today, but call them on it, and don't go there!  There is no shortage.

Thank you to our German friends for your wishes.  I think we are still all numb, but God is good, He is still in charge, and life goes on today.  Ditto:  prayers for all those out East who were so devastated by the experiences of yesterday and probably all this week.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: jewels6567 on September 12, 2001, 08:08:28 am
Hey everyone...I'm checking in from DC.  Yesterday was a horrible and crazy day and I'm just still in shock and exhausted.  Since I run our travel department on the executive level I heard about this right away.  We thought it was an accident first and wanted to find out if we had any company people on the plane.  

I also had a meeting in Crystal City yesterday morning (which for those of you who don't know is right next to the Pentagon and Reagan National Airport) and was on my way down there when we heard about the second plane.  Traffic slowed down on the GW Parkway and then the news came on to say that the Pentagon was hit.  We drove by it about 2 minutes later and it was just shocking.  We couldn't get off the parkways since all exits were blocked off.  My boss called and told us to come back.  Everything was closing by then.  

Got back to the office and started the process to try and find out if any of our people were on those flights.  We then also found out we had 40 people in the WTC that day so we started the process to locate them.  I am happy to report that we did not have any ppl on the flights and we have located all but 3 of our people.  We worked hard to find housing for all of our people in NY and DC.  

I also know several people who work at the Pentagon and found out all of them are safe and okay.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families of victims and the survivors themselves.  

I was listening to CSPAN this morning and there was a caller who was at the scene in NY.  His recount was just heartbreaking and I found myself in tears (again) over this whole situation.  

Again all of you in NY have my prayers.  


Title: Radio Cast
Post by: winkiebear on September 12, 2001, 08:32:22 am
I was listening to the radio this morning, had on my usual station.  The morning DJs were talking to people, not doing their usual schticks ... it was comforting.

A woman called in who said she lives very close to O'Hare airport, and is used to hearing planes fly overhead, and that she's an Air Force brat.  She heard a sound yesterday that she hasn't heard in years.

F-16s were flying overhead ... protecting our country ... protecting our freedom ... telling us it was safe to sleep, that they weren't going to let anything happen to US on THEIR watch.


Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers - I'm right there with you all, praying for sanity.


Title: Keep the media in your prayers too..
Post by: execsec on September 12, 2001, 09:38:55 am
I know a lot of people don't like the media but after working at a television station for 5 years in Oklahoma City (immediately following the bombing) I know the majority of these people are just like me and you.  They are parents who have to go home to small children; brothers, sisters, spouses, daughters & sons.  They are up close and at the front (along with rescuers) seeing the horror first-hand and having to remain calm to video tape it or talk about it to viewers.  I saw several of them leave the business because they just couldn't handle it anymore.  They work long hours.  The news never stops and they get little rest.  They cry when they are off camera just like we all do. Many of them are traumatized and in therapy.  Please pray for them too.  I know their jobs won't be easy for the next several weeks.

Title: Re: Keep the media in your prayers too..
Post by: radaro on September 12, 2001, 11:02:56 am
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you today.  Yesterday, I could not stop crying.  My children attend a Jewish day school so I was terrified that some copy cat wacko would attack them as well.

But today I want to leave you with this thought:

Do not give in to terrorism!  To the extent that you can, aid the victims and grieve but go on with your life as normally as possible.  The evil forces that perpetrated those cowardly acts will not be victorious as long as you limit the effect those events have on your lives. So, to the extent possible, you need things to get back to normal quickly and have all activities resume as soon as can be.

I have never aired my political views here before but this is how Israel has survived 53 years surrounded by 22 hostile neighbours.  Do not give into the terrorists or they will have won!

Title: Another day that will live in infamy...
Post by: daisylee on September 12, 2001, 04:36:10 pm
I am simply heartsick...I think of all those souls lost on those planes, in the WTC, and in the Pentagon...may God be holding them in his hands as I write this...

I too, live very close to O'Hare.  I'm used to the sight of planes taking off. virtually being able to see the passengers in the windows...but not yesterday, or this morning.  But late last night, sitting in my living room, I saw a rapidy moving light in the sky...a comforting, yet somehow sad sight...a fighter plane patrolling the skies around O'Hare.

I had just finished jury duty on Monday...I had spent four days in the Dirksen Federal Building.  What a strange feeling to remember Oklahoma City, and to know I am lucky to have finished my civic duties, and to know the city of Chicago was not targeted.  But how I cried for all New York...and the people in the Pentagon.

I'm praying for swift and God willing, peaceful resolution to this...for all of us!

God bless you all,


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: etietjen on September 12, 2001, 06:03:03 pm
Hi all... It's been a while.   I've never been so happy to lose a job (layoff) in a long time.  I worked on the 53rd floor of Tower #2 until this past April.  

Just wanted to let those who might remember me know that I'm OK.

My prayers go out to the victims and their families.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: winkiebear on September 12, 2001, 06:34:36 pm
etietjen, thanks for checking in!!!

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: countrigal on September 13, 2001, 09:09:58 am
So glad to hear from you!!  Glad to hear that one more of our members has been accounted for.

So, who's left??  I know we're missing names, but I can't think of them for some reason.  Please, even if you've never posted before, if you're safe and sound in any of the affected areas, please let us know.  We're all in this together - all countries, religions, cultures!

Title: Etiejen!
Post by: whitesatin on September 13, 2001, 10:28:47 am
So glad to hear from you once again. I often wondered what happened to you.  Thank God for that lay-off and thank God you are well.  We hope to hear from you more often.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: nici on September 14, 2001, 12:31:14 am
Perhaps its crazy, but do you know what I just did? Some of you may remember to that wonderful admin-day-2001 presentation that was provided to TAA from Andrea, and I just watched it over and over again, praying that there will be found more surviviors (our radio station reported that there were found yet another young woman alive), and that there will be more peace in future for all people everywhere on the world.


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: countrigal on September 13, 2001, 09:53:45 pm
I now Nici.. I tried to do the same thing but couldn't get into it at workfor some reason...

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: countrigal on September 13, 2001, 10:00:31 pm
(This message was left blank)

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: Katie G on September 14, 2001, 08:01:58 am
This may sound rather strange, but there's no one else I can share it with.

I was finally able to cry last night.  I kept hearing of people on this site crying, seeing people crying on the news, and for some strange reason, tears just weren't coming for me.  I felt the horror and dread, fought back the wave of nausea when I saw the footage, yelled and cursed in outrage, but no tears.  I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, but no tears.  

I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me, but last night, when trying to decide what to do for dinner, the whole thing just overwhelmed me and I sat on the kitchen floor and cried.  Thank God my DH was home.  He sat on the floor with me and just held me while I finally was able to get it out.  I don't know what it was that finally broke the dam, maybe my body just couldn't take the stress anymore.

Anyway, just needed to share that with...somebody.  I am so greatful for all of you out there...  

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: radaro on September 14, 2001, 09:19:10 am
Didface - A perfectly "normal" reaction.  It takes everyone time to integrate this information.  For the varying lengths of time we are in disbelieve and denial.  Now you have reached the time where reality sets in and you grieve.

I want to comfort you right now.  So consider yourself hugged and you can use my shoulder to cry on.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: bohorquez on September 14, 2001, 10:47:01 am
Hi all -

I'm happy to hear that all of you are safe and sound.  Tuesday was an unbelieveable day for us here at work.  Everyone was getting here with the shock on their face saying, "DID YOU HEAR WHAT HAPPENED?!!??"

All we did was sit in the conference room and watch the TV.  Then they started evacuating the office around us.  Just to get out of downtown was crazy.  I was so happy to get home!  

I just imagined what if a plane went right through the Sears Tower.  It wouldn't even be here now.  I'm so sadden by the events.  We been praying for everyone.  

Take care everyone!  God Bless!


Title: Re: World Trade Centre crash
Post by: nici on September 14, 2001, 11:28:54 am
Didface, I  think that this is a normal reaction, too. When my daddy died, years ago, I wasn't able to cry for months, and than, in a moment when I really didn't count with it, all the tears came out, and in some way it was a very good feeling.