Title: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on December 29, 2014, 02:30:24 pm I've been giving a fair amount of thought to my 2015 goals. I want to do more to build up my side business and especially start creating some passive income. I've set some business goals and some personal goals.
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March and September 2015 exams. Lead Microsoft Office study groups. Join a speaker's bureau. Submit two articles for publication. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) Redesign my website. Set up a better CRM software. Finish my garage organization project. Set up a craft room. Do a canning project every month. Learn to make sausage. Take at least one food related class. Canning Projects: Jan: Feb: Mar: Apr: May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: Atlanta Z3 on January 06, 2015, 08:16:30 pm I just want to make it through January. Last month Dad moved to assisted living and Mom into full care nursing at same site. I need to understand system at facility and work with attorney to get best financial outcome! I'm also proctoring LSAT every Saturday in the month!
February - have everyone on somewhat of a routine and find a little me time! Also hoping to attend TEC15. March - goal is to get brother to have a visit scheduled. At the end of 90 days review progress and set new goals. Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on January 07, 2015, 05:36:33 pm I well remember the days of caregiving for my parents. That does indeed suck up a great deal of time and emotional energy. Something like that certainly does need to be the priority!
Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on January 17, 2015, 11:46:50 pm Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. IN PROCESS.
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. PLANNED TO START IN MAY. Lead Microsoft Office study groups. PLANNED FOR MARCH/APRIL Join a speaker's bureau. Submit two articles for publication. DECIDED ON ARTICLE TOPIC, CONFIRMED OFFICEPRO IS INTERESTED. SCHEDULED TO SUBMIT BY APRIL 30. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. Redesign my website. Set up a better CRM software. Finish my garage organization project. Set up a craft room. Do a canning project every month. Learn to make sausage. Take at least one food related class. Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Mar: Apr: May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on January 25, 2015, 03:47:50 pm Adding goal:
- Lead at least four Advanced Techniques Webinars this year: 1/4 DONE - 1/14/15 Working With Large Documents in Office; Scheduled - 3/4/15 Forms in Microsoft Office Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: tIvana on March 09, 2015, 01:50:59 pm Find a new part time job that suits my lifestyle as a mother of two.
Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on March 09, 2015, 09:02:14 pm Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. DONE
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. REGISTRATION OPEN Lead Microsoft Office study groups. REGISTRATION OPEN FOR MARCH/APRIL GROUPS Join a speaker's bureau. Submit two articles for publication. DECIDED ON ARTICLE TOPIC, CONFIRMED OFFICEPRO IS INTERESTED. SCHEDULED TO SUBMIT BY APRIL 30. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. Redesign my website. CHOSE AND PURCHASE TEMPLATE. NEXT STEP - UPDATE THE TEMPLATE Set up a better CRM software. BEGUN - THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE Finish my garage organization project. Set up a craft room. Do a canning project every month. Learn to make sausage. Take at least one food related class. Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Freezer projects (full size and mini meatloaves); spice mixes Mar: Apr: May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: [/quote] Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: raindance on March 11, 2015, 12:27:10 pm My work-related goal this year is to begin a Masters in corporate governance. That will be three years of hard graft on top of working. ;D
Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: raindance on March 11, 2015, 12:31:00 pm Atlanta, I do feel for you and the situation with your parents. I was my late Mother's main carer for the last five years of her life. It is not easy when you, the child, becomes the parent to your parent(s). Caring for one's elders, however much one adores them, can be challenging, but I treasure the time I spent with my Mother, particularly her last months - such precious memories. I wish you well. x
Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on April 08, 2015, 07:08:32 pm The year is 1/4 of the way done. Have you made progress on your goals?
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. DONE Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. REGISTRATION OPEN; START IN MAY Lead Microsoft Office study groups. WORD AND EXCEL GROUPS UNDERWAY Join a speaker's bureau. Submit two articles for publication. ARTICLE FOR OFFICEPRO MAGAZINE BEING WRITTEN. DUE BY APRIL 30. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. Redesign my website. BOUGHT THE TEMPLATE, WORKING ON TRANSFERRING DATA OVER Set up a better CRM software. SET UP AN ACCT WITH MAILCHIMP AND IMPORTED ALL MY CONTACTS TO BUILD A STARTER LIST Finish my garage organization project. Set up a craft room. Do a canning or cooking project every month. Take at least one food related class. LOOKING FOR A SAUSAGE MAKING CLASS Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Freezer projects (full size and mini meatloaves) Mar: Spice mixes - smoker rubs, taco seasoning, atchafalya seasoning, chili mix, beef stew mix Apr: Pasta! Making it from scratch May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on May 11, 2015, 10:59:55 pm Another month, another update. How are your goals coming?
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. DONE Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. UNDERWAY Lead Microsoft Office study groups. WORD AND EXCEL GROUPS COMPLETE. NEXT UP - POWERPOINT AND OUTLOOK IN JUNE Join a speaker's bureau. Submit two articles for publication. ARTICLE FOR OFFICEPRO MAGAZINE SUBMITTED. NEED TO IDENTIFY TOPIC FOR NEXT ARTICLE. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. THIS WILL BE ONE OF MY NEXT PROJECTS. Redesign my website. BOUGHT THE TEMPLATE, WORKING ON TRANSFERRING DATA OVER. NEED TO FINISH THIS UP AND GO LIVE. Set up a better CRM software. SET UP AN ACCT WITH MAILCHIMP AND IMPORTED ALL MY CONTACTS TO BUILD A STARTER LIST. HAVE STARTED USING THIS FOR MAILINGS AND THUS FAR IT IS WORKING FABULOUSLY. NOW TO INTEGRATE IT INTO THE NEW WEBSITE FOR SIGNUPS OF FUTURE VISITORS. Finish my garage organization project. Set up a craft room. Do a canning or cooking project every month. Take at least one food related class. LOOKING FOR A SAUSAGE MAKING CLASS Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Freezer projects (full size and mini meatloaves) Mar: Spice mixes - smoker rubs, taco seasoning, atchafalya seasoning, chili mix, beef stew mix Apr: Pasta! Making it from scratch May: Perhaps cranberries? Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on July 13, 2015, 03:51:39 pm I'm having a really solid and focused year this year. How about the rest of you?
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. DONE Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. UNDERWAY, WILL COMPLETE AUGUST 27. Lead Microsoft Office study groups. WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT GROUPS COMPLETE. OUTLOOK IN PROGRESS, SHAREPOINT AND ACCESS COMING NEXT. Join a speaker's bureau. STARTED RESEARCHING. NOT SURE THIS WILL BE THE RIGHT OPTION FOR ME. Submit two articles for publication. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN OFFICEPRO MAGAZINE JULY 2015 ISSUE (LOOKING BACKWARD, MOVING FORWARD). SPEAKING TO EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MAGAZINE TO IDENTIFY TOPIC FOR FUTURE ISSUE. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. THIS WILL BE ONE OF MY NEXT PROJECTS. PLAN TO WORK ON THIS DURING AUGUST. Redesign my website. DONE! I AM VERY HAPPY WITH HOW IT HAS TURNED OUT. Set up a better CRM software. DONE AND INTEGRATED INTO WEBSITE! VERY PLEASED WITH THIS AS WELL. I'M USING THE FREE VERSION, BUT AT SOME POINT IN TIME, I WILL NEED TO UPGRADE TO THE PAY VERSION, MOST LIKELY. Finish my garage organization project. MAKING SOME PROGRESS BUT WILL FOCUS ON THIS LATER IN YEAR WHEN WEATHER COOLS. WANT TO CLEAR IT OUT BEFORE WINTER TO STORE CARS IN IT. Set up a craft room. Do a canning or cooking project every month. Take at least one food related class. SIGNED UP FOR A CUPCAKE DECORATING CLASS; LOOKING FOR A SAUSAGE MAKING CLASS Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Freezer projects (full size and mini meatloaves) Mar: Spice mixes - smoker rubs, taco seasoning, atchafalya seasoning, chili mix, beef stew mix Apr: Pasta! Making it from scratch May: Freezer entrees Jun: Freezer entrees (lots of chicken!) Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: Cozwaz on July 15, 2015, 04:17:24 pm Wow - you are doing so well. Keeping an interesting eye on your canning projects for ideas!
There is one thing I would really like to get finished for the winter and that is a rag rug I started - to go in front of my Aga - but I can't see it happening, too many dog and music things taking up time at the moment along with work and ordinary home life stuff. Coz :) Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on September 10, 2015, 01:23:34 pm We're coming up on the final quarter of our year. Not much time left to accomplish goals, but it's not too late to start if you have let the time slip away!!!
Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. DONE Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. DONE Lead Microsoft Office study groups. WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, OUTLOOK GROUPS COMPLETE. SHAREPOINT IN PROGRESS, ACCESS STARTS SEPT. 29. WILL LIKELY ADD A STUDY GROUP FOR ONE NOTE BEFORE END OF THE YEAR. Join a speaker's bureau. HOLDING OFF ON DOING THIS FOR THE MOMENT. NEED TO GET SOME DECENT VIDEOS OF ME TEACHING. Submit two articles for publication. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN OFFICEPRO MAGAZINE JULY 2015 ISSUE (LOOKING BACKWARD, MOVING FORWARD). SPOKE TO EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MAGAZINE - PUTTING TOGETHER A POTENTIAL SERIES OF ARTICLES. WILL PROBABLY DO ONE FOR ADMIN ADVANTAGE AS WELL ONCE I IDENTIFY THE TOPIC. Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. THIS WILL BE ONE OF MY NEXT PROJECTS. DID NOT ACCOMPLISH THIS YET. STILL A HIGH PRIORITY THAT I WILL FOLLOW UP ON. Redesign my website. DONE! I AM VERY HAPPY WITH HOW IT HAS TURNED OUT. Set up a better CRM software. DONE AND INTEGRATED INTO WEBSITE! VERY PLEASED WITH THIS AS WELL. I'M USING THE FREE VERSION, BUT AT SOME POINT IN TIME, I WILL NEED TO UPGRADE TO THE PAY VERSION, MOST LIKELY. Finish my garage organization project. WILL WORK ON THIS IN OCTOBER. Set up a craft room. Do a canning or cooking project every month. Take at least one food related class. SIGNED UP FOR A CUPCAKE DECORATING CLASS; LOOKING FOR A SAUSAGE MAKING CLASS Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Freezer projects (full size and mini meatloaves) Mar: Spice mixes - smoker rubs, taco seasoning, atchafalya seasoning, chili mix, beef stew mix Apr: Pasta! Making it from scratch May: Freezer entrees Jun: Freezer entrees (lots of chicken!) Jul: Skipped this month Aug: Froze ingredients (diced onions, etc.) Sep: Freezer entrees (ground beef); Canned: cranberry chutney, cranberry mustard, jellied cranberry sauce Oct: Nov: Dec: Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on December 11, 2015, 12:46:26 pm Last month of 2015! Not much time left to accomplish goals, but it's not too late to start if you have let the time slip away!!!
I have had a super successful year by being very focused this year and almost tripled my income from my side business. It is so worth it to invest time in setting goals for yourself and then following through on them! I'll be posting a 2016 goal list soon and I hope and encourage others to jump in and join me with their own goals!!! Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the March 2015 exams. DONE Lead CAP and OM study groups and exam crams for the September 2015 exams. DONE Lead Microsoft Office study groups. DONE (WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, OUTLOOK, SHAREPOINT, ACCESS) Submit two articles for publication. DONE - ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN OFFICEPRO MAGAZINE JULY 2015 ISSUE (LOOKING BACKWARD, MOVING FORWARD); EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MAGAZINE MAIL MERGE RULES NOV 2015 ISSUE. Redesign my website. DONE! Set up a better CRM software. DONE! Finish my garage organization project. DONE! TWO CARS NOW PARKED IN GARAGE. :) Write some content that can be sold for passive income (kindle, digital downloads, etc.) IDENTIFIED TOPICS TO START WITH FOR SHORT BOOKLET I CAN CREATE FOR SELLING. THIS WILL BE ONE OF MY NEXT PROJECTS. DID NOT ACCOMPLISH THIS YET. STILL A HIGH PRIORITY THAT I WILL FOLLOW UP ON. Join a speaker's bureau. HOLDING OFF ON DOING THIS FOR THE MOMENT. NEED TO GET SOME DECENT VIDEOS OF ME TEACHING. Set up a craft room. 2016 PROJECT Do a canning or cooking project every month. Take at least one food related class. BOUGHT VOUCHER FOR CUPCAKE CLASS BUT IT WAS FULL - WAITING FOR MORE TO BE SCHEDULED Canning Projects: Jan: Pinto beans, red kidney beans, black beans, taco sauce, beef stock Feb: Freezer projects (full size and mini meatloaves) Mar: Spice mixes - smoker rubs, taco seasoning, atchafalya seasoning, chili mix, beef stew mix Apr: Pasta! Making it from scratch May: Freezer entrees Jun: Freezer entrees (lots of chicken!) Jul: Skipped this month Aug: Froze ingredients (diced onions, etc.) Sep: Freezer entrees (ground beef); Canned: cranberry chutney, cranberry mustard, jellied cranberry sauce Oct: Stock Nov: Spice mixes Dec: Cookies! Vanilla extract Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: jennika on December 29, 2015, 06:29:16 am Too bad I didn't post one. It would have been nice to say.. I did it!
Title: Re: 2015 Goals - Set Them Here!!! Post by: msmarieh on January 05, 2016, 05:40:47 pm Well there's always 2016 jennika!!!