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General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: kittie on November 05, 2001, 09:56:14 am

Title: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: kittie on November 05, 2001, 09:56:14 am
Well, I've just had a rather nervous journey to work this morning.  A car bomb exploded near Birmingham train station on Saturday evening.  The police say it's a miracle hundreds weren't killed - the bomb didn't go off properly.  I was more than a little wary of getting to work on the train this morning (I have to go via Birmingham).

I wish these people would see the misery and anxiety they cause and actually feel something, but let's face it - they don't care do they?

Title: Re: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: countrigal on November 05, 2001, 04:15:50 pm
we're glad that you made it to work safely.  And no, these people don't care about the pain and mental anxiety they cause, except to celebrate in it.

I hate to hear that still more bombs are going off to terrorize people, but glad that it misfired and not as many people were hurt as was potential.

Deskdemon Editorial Board Member

Title: Re: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: winkie2 on November 05, 2001, 04:25:20 pm
This weekend, a man was detained at the GATE at O'Hare. He had gotten past the first Security checkpoint - the metal detector - with 7 knives and a taser-gun in his suitcase. The guards removed 2 pocketknives from his person at the metal detector.

This man gave a home address that is the same as two of the suspects in the September 11th tragedy. The owner or landlady (I forget which) of the building knew NONE of these three men.

As a result of a random bag check, these weapons were found in his bag.

And now, 7 people involved in this were fired.

And now I ask you this - can you imagine if this man had NOT been detained?

Title: Re: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: andream on November 05, 2001, 04:57:31 pm
The Mirror, a UK paper, had a reporter walk right into a parked Aircraft and sit in the pilot's seat posing with a copy of that day's paper to prove he was there....AND he was NEVER Stopped.  He left the hanger and walked calmly out, photographer in tow...Makes ya think doesn't it?

Title: Re: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: chris68 on November 05, 2001, 05:13:20 pm
You know, I happen to think with all these things getting thru with airport security "in tact."  AT the very least we all know it HAS happened and have been told it CAN happen again and to be on our guard is our best defense here.

YES, things are NOT always full proof, but they are better.  Like Winkie said, they got that guy with all of his "toys" before he got onboard and anything happened.  

We were also warned about the bridges on the West coast as being a possible target, so far so good, nothing yet, thankfully!  Wether telling us about it was the right thing to do or not is still up for debate.

I guess my point is be on your guard if you travel, and even if you don't be aware of your surroundings and what is going on.

Be safe and enjoy life!  Thanksgiving is coming and we still have lots to be thankful for, at least I know I do.

Deskdemon Forum Board Staff

Title: Re: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: whitesatin on November 05, 2001, 08:52:01 pm
California Governor Gray Davis has come under attack for warning citizens about the threat to our bridges.  Personally, I would rather be warned and have nothing happen, than not to be warned and have something happen.  At least if we are warned, we have an option of what to do.  I crossed the Bay Bridge twice on Friday.  The National Guard was there, but what can they do if someone decides to blow up the bridge?  It's a sad world we live in.


Title: Re: Terrorists Strike Again
Post by: donnap99 on November 05, 2001, 09:06:15 pm
I totally agree - I'd much prefer being informed.
