Title: Pictures from September 11th Post by: cocookie on September 18, 2001, 12:21:16 am Good morning,
I received these pictures from a friend of a friend, etc --- bottom line --- someone who lives in New York took this series of pictures on September 11th. I thought you might be interested in seeing them. After looking at all of the pictures in order then look at the first one as opposed to the final one. Web link: www.camazotz.com/wtc/1.html God Bless America, Virginia Title: Re: Pictures from September 11th Post by: nici on September 17, 2001, 01:05:30 pm Thank you for sharing, it's so sad to view those pictures, especially to watch the first one, and then the last one. Its hard to believe that it is the same view.
(Btw: In my sleeping room, at the wall, hangs my calender, and for every month there is a big photography on it, so guess what the picture for September is? It is the Manhatten Skyline, including the WTC; and it's so heartbreaking to watch it every mornig.) Sending best wishes across the ocean Nicole Title: Re: Pictures from September 11th Post by: ozbound on September 17, 2001, 04:46:21 pm WHOA.
It sure is different seeing it from somebody's personal perspective as opposed to the news photos we've been seeing all week. The comparison of the skyline from 1st to last photo is especially stunning. And a page from somebody's desktop Simpson's calendar! awww.... Title: Re: Pictures from September 11th Post by: donnap99 on September 21, 2001, 08:01:34 am WHOA is about all I can say! Thanks for sharing this with me.