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General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: raindance on February 07, 2008, 10:25:06 am

Title: Snow and tornadoes
Post by: raindance on February 07, 2008, 10:25:06 am
I'm just trying to check up on friends in Alabama and Chicago.  If one person is getting snowed in the other is being blown about.

I hope all our DDers in those areas are safe and well.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Snow and tornadoes
Post by: msmarieh on February 07, 2008, 03:55:00 pm
Chicago has definitely gotten hit with snowstorm after snowstorm this year. The northern suburbs got hit with 12-18" this last storm yesterday, and that's after a foot of snow last week and another 4" over the weekend. We had rain just before this last storm though, so that knocked the piles down some.

It's been winter for sure! :)


Title: Re: Snow and tornadoes
Post by: diamondlady on February 07, 2008, 03:59:00 pm
Just heard from countrigal, she's fine.  I sent her an email quickly first thing this morning.  I have heard back from her this morning, she and her family in Arkansas are just fine.

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