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General Discussion => Admins 4 Admins => Topic started by: jennika on December 15, 2014, 06:32:26 am

Title: Sick at work, what do you do?
Post by: jennika on December 15, 2014, 06:32:26 am
I am sick and have to go into work.  What would you do?  I will keep low, wash my hands a lot and just be miserable.   How do you get threw the day when you know you have a huge work load and just can't feel up to it.  Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Sick at work, what do you do?
Post by: Atlanta Z3 on December 15, 2014, 10:18:42 pm
Take whatever otc drugs you can to help you make it through the day.  Recovering from pneumonia myself, went to work last Monday, holiday lunch on Tuesday and dr apt after lunch.  Stayed home Wed-Fri - I have to be a death's door to call in sick.  Bottom line health is more important than any job.  I know that doesn't get bills paid or make boss's happy, but I'm a little older and wiser now.  I used to come to work with sinus infections, being ill in the ladies and keep going or payroll wasn't going to be processed, collections wasn't going to be done, deposits not made.  Looking back it all would have happened.

Title: Re: Sick at work, what do you do?
Post by: claudiamag on December 16, 2014, 11:39:35 pm
I have to agree with Atlanta, older and wiser me just stays home.  Doesn't make the boss happy but it won't make him happy either when things get worse and I have to be hospitalized.  Yes, when I was younger I felt the company would fall apart if I was out 1 day.  I remember going into work with a raging bladder infection, so bad I could barely walk.  I finally went to the doctor and had to be hospitalized because my temperature was through the roof.  Amazingly the office still managed to stay afloat with me gone two whole days. 

If you really, really can't take a little time off, then I would do as Atlanta suggests and take OTC meds and try to rest as much as possible when you get home.  Also, take a can of Lysol with you and spray everything down for your co-workers' sake.  Last thing you want is an office epidemic.

Hope you feel better soon.  :)

Title: Re: Sick at work, what do you do?
Post by: diamondlady on December 17, 2014, 02:41:04 pm
Lysol and antibacterial wipes one of each, and plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids.

Title: Re: Sick at work, what do you do?
Post by: raindance on December 17, 2014, 11:24:28 pm
I'm guilty of going to work when I'm unwell.  My method of getting through the day is to focus on what absolutely needs doing.  I'm fortunate in that I report to the CEO but my work is almost wholly self-directed so I can organise my own schedule.