PA and Secretary Community -

General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: bethalize on September 12, 2001, 05:53:29 am

Title: Today is a new day
Post by: bethalize on September 12, 2001, 05:53:29 am
t want to be anonymous any more. I want you to know that my name is Elizabeth Baker, so that I become a person to you, not just a user name.

My name is Liz, and today I am reaching out to you.


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: donnap99 on September 12, 2001, 07:05:20 am
Liz, I completely see your point, and couldn't agree with you more.  At a time like this, so many people can come into your mind, and you just wonder what became of them...

All the innocents whose injuries and deaths are so heartwrenching, all the families affected, all the rescue workers who still have many many hours of most difficult work ahead of them, should be in all of our thoughts and prayers.

Donna Perry, from Baltimore, Maryland


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: andrea843 on September 12, 2001, 07:21:13 am
It is a new day and we will, world wide, survive this horror, and we will learn how to pick up the pieces, go on with our lives and eventually the horror of the coming days will be a dim memory, something we will talke about to our children and grandchildren, who, hopefully, will never have to face so dark an hour.

Elizabeth's statement of non anonymity is a powerful one.  I join she and Donna.  We will no longer be faceless, no longer wonder if a colleague's name is on that list.  Take it to the next level and here, in this place among colleagues, I urge you all to be counted today.  Solidarity is a wonderous thing, it empowers, it speaks to the world and though we are admins on a board in cyber space, just this once, just for today, let's be people.

I am Andrea McKinney, from Charleston, SC.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: countrigal on September 12, 2001, 07:36:37 am
Speaking up from Montgomery, Alabama... I am Keena Cauthen.

Welcome friends and collegues, that we may know one another here, abroad, and everywhere.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: tlc2559 on September 12, 2001, 07:37:16 am
I can't say anything more than what's already been said.

Although I don't kow anyone personally who was directly involved, I am an American citizen, and as such, I find myself tearing up everytime I think about all those people. I am praying today for everyone involved in this terrible tragedy.

I, too would like to be counted today.

Tracie Cotton, Nashville, Tennessee


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: chris68 on September 12, 2001, 07:44:45 am
Yes, this is a new day and my heartfelt prayers go out to all the families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy and to all the rescue workers who have a tough and grim job ahead of them, hopefully they will be able to get some survivors out, but thoughts and prayers are with them today and in the days ahead.

I am Christine DuRoss here in Rochester, NY.


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: execsec on September 12, 2001, 08:33:56 am
Cindy Jondahl, CPS/CAP from Norman, Oklahoma (outside of Oklahoma

City and fortunate enough not to have known personally anyone killed in the OKC bombing but remembering it vividly).

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: jewels6567 on September 12, 2001, 08:37:08 am
Again my thoughts and prayers are with everyone.  

Julie Jarrait from McLean, VA

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: winkiebear on September 12, 2001, 08:37:21 am
You guys are makin' me cry more!!!

Joining you from Elgin, Illinois, I am Stephanie Sidman, and I'm PROUD to know you all!

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: dedlered on September 12, 2001, 08:45:10 am
My thoughts, prayers and sympathies..

I am Laura Yost, Denver Colorado

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: coolbossgirlchick on September 12, 2001, 09:16:55 am
Like so many of you, I find myself profoundly emotionally effected by yesterday's tragedy.  Pray for the victims of this horrific attack, pray for the families, pray for the emergency workers.  Pray for each other, and I'm so happy to have found a place where we can call each other friends, and share our support.  You are all in my thoughts today, and will be everyday.

I am Katy Evans, from Ontario CANADA

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: Katie G on September 12, 2001, 09:29:38 am
I have never been more proud to be associated with this site.  

I am still shaking but trying to recover by telling myself that, after we survive, we shall THRIVE.

Katie Rose Griffin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: peachygal on September 12, 2001, 09:29:50 am
I work for a major airline. All I can say is yesterday was a very trying, scary, emotional day. The unknown is terribly frightening and as you can imagine we had lots of unknown yesterday. Was that one of our our planes? Were all of our aircraft accounted for? Was our ticket agents in the WTC alive, hurt, what? I am happy to report that all of our aircraft and employees are alive and accounted for.

Today marks many many changes for the airline industry as well as our country. Now is the time for us as Americans to stand together and tell the world that we WILL NOT stand by and allow this type of tragedy on our soil. We will hunt down and punish those responsible for this act of terrorism.

I am Teri Grimes CPS from Stockbridge GA


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: jlkee on September 12, 2001, 09:30:19 am
My thoughts and prayers are with all involved, which includes not only those who were injured or killed, or those involved in the rescue efforts, but everyone in this country.  I'm a frequent lurker & sometime poster at TAA, but today I'd like you to know that I am

Joyce Kee, from King of Prussia, PA

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: elleny on September 12, 2001, 09:42:51 am
Signing in with prayers for all, I am Ellen Yonce, in TX .

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: cocookie on September 12, 2001, 10:10:30 am
Like everyone else, I am devastated by the events of the past 30 or so hours ---- but I am so grateful to be able to come to this site and feel a peace and a grounding by reading the discussion of a group I have come to know not only as peers, but as reasonable, thoughtful, caring people.  Each of us in this kind of work has a similar personality set that allows us to do our jobs ---- that very thing gives us a deep level of understanding and communication with each other.  Thank you all for that!

I am Virginia Moore in Denver, Colorado

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: hightechea on September 12, 2001, 10:26:39 am
I am proud to be an American.  This is still the home of the free and the brave...........

I am Robin Schooss in San Francisco, California

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: workerbee on September 12, 2001, 10:42:40 am
I am praying constantly for everyone in the whole wide world, and I'm thankful to God for my friends here.

From Racine Wisconsin, I am Elaine Malik CPS, tearfully signing in.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: nici on September 12, 2001, 11:03:47 am
With tears in my eye, I'm Nicole Cirocki, Germany

How wonderful to meet you all outside there.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: radaro on September 12, 2001, 11:07:13 am
I have goosebumps all over, tears in my eyes and prayers in my heart:

Barbara Blevis, Ottawa, Canada

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: juspeachy on September 12, 2001, 11:19:43 am
I am proud to meet everyone of you and I can visualize each of us standing and introducing ourselves to each other.

With an ache in my heart, I am Vickie Eberhart, Albany, Georgia

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: mcbethers on September 12, 2001, 11:33:11 am
Usually, I'm known as a Hard-Hearted Hannah, but this outpouring is really affecting me.

Beth Vlasman, Winnipeg Manitoba

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: mlm668 on September 12, 2001, 11:35:51 am
I woke up this morning hoping it was all a bad dream, but knowing deep down it wasn't.  I keep remembering a trip I took to New York in 1985 with my school's ITS/Drama Club. The last day, we were given a choice of visiting Wall Street or the World Trade Center.  I chose WTC.  I can still see the view looking out the window and down to the street from the top floor and the hundreds of people we had to run past when we realized we had 5 minutes to get back to the street and to our bus before it was time to leave.  I had hoped to one day take my children to Manhatten to see the things I got to see back then.  Now that building is gone and so are thousands of people.  And I'm scared to let my children leave my site.  I'm at a loss for a way to explain this to them - I don't understand it myself.

My brother called me last night and told me to go outside and look at the sky.  It was full  of stars - more than we've ever

seen.  My mother says that Heaven was full was full last night.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you who are safe and all of those who have lost loved ones.  

Yes, its new day and we will get through this slowly, but surely.  I'm proud to meet each of you.

Michelle Maitland - McKenney, VA


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: jak0215 on September 12, 2001, 11:49:45 am
I think that all of the Images have been permanently burned into my brain.  I will never get over the site of the second plane hitting the WTC on live TV.  I will never recover from seeing the images of the people jumping/falling out of those buildings.  May God have mercy/bless their souls.  My thoughts and prayers are with their families.

Jill Kelly, Wrentham MA

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: fireproof on September 13, 2001, 12:16:21 am
Yesterday I went on the net looking for information; I even tried the chat rooms for some solace - big mistake!  There is so much misdirected hate and anger out there.    Thank you all for being so positive and supportive.

Please, if you have muslim or arab neighbors, watch out for them.  They are innocent too, and there are nuts on both sides.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: nolalady on September 13, 2001, 12:30:56 am
Speechless in New Orleans, I am... Kellye Lukas

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: ozbound on September 13, 2001, 12:34:20 am
I went on the Internet too; I frequent IVillage and they have set up special boards to discuss the tragedy. Yes there were posts reflecting hate and anger but I mostly ignored those. What I noticed--and what brought me to tears of love--were the many many posts of support from people around the world--Australia, New Zealand, England, Scandinavia, etc. etc.  Just like on this board, people are pulling together to help each other through this scary and difficult time. That is perhaps the greatest blessing of all we can find in the midst of this tragedy.  I agree, thanks to all out there who are being so positive and let us watch out for our innocent neighbors.  

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: sher1 on September 13, 2001, 12:35:19 am
My heart is touched by the amount of support, the number of prayers, and the unconditional comfort that is offered by each and everyone of you to those who are suffering.  I just moved from Saskatchewan, Canada - what I considered a "safe haven" - to the big U.S.  Despite the mass devastation of yesterday, I am proud to be here and witness such a wealth of support from those world wide.  My eyes fill with tears as I read your posts because in them, there is genuine sincerity and care.  I am honored to "know" each of you and would like you to know that I am Sheryl Kashani from San Diego, CA.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: jahdra on September 13, 2001, 12:44:19 am
Our firm sent everyone home yesterday to be with their families and today we are all trying to cope with the news here. Thankfully, our national offices were moved from the top 10 floors of the WTC after the bombing in 1993, so our people in New York are shaken, but everyone seems to be safe.

In San Jose, I am Lynnette McCrary.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: mathwhizchick on September 13, 2001, 12:55:10 am
The absolutely stunning sunrise this morning was a reminder that yes, today is a new day, and another chance to reach out.

I'm Phyllis McMullen in Columbus, Ohio, reaching out...

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: venim102 on September 12, 2001, 01:00:12 pm
I grew up in New York and visited the towers many times.  I could not imagine the city without them.  One look at the skyline and you see there is something missing.  

Last summer, my kids visited New York City for the first time.  They spent a whole week touring the city and bought back many pictures.  Yesterday, my daughter opened her photo album and took out the best picture I have ever seen of the WTC.  She said, "Mom, I want to enlarge this, frame it and hang it on the wall".  This afternoon we are going to do just that.

Let's not put just a memorial or statue in place to mark this tragic day, let's build new towers, only bigger and taller to show the strength, courage and unity our country holds!

Another person and friend.....

Mindee Venidis of Phoenix, Arizona


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: elleny on September 12, 2001, 01:06:38 pm
I have two opinions on the rebuilding the towers thing.  One, we should rebuild them to show bin ladin that he did not destroy the symbol he most hates.  Two, if we do build them, then his hatred will grow, and we might see the next two go down with many others.  But I'm leaning to my first opinion.  I want the world to see how we can triumph over ANY tragedy.

Ellen Yonce in TX

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: marieh2000 on September 12, 2001, 01:41:50 pm
With a very heavy heart in Columbus, Mississippi,

I am Marie Harrison



Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: dragonladybug on September 12, 2001, 01:46:30 pm
I checked in here early today, then got really busy so I just found that everyone is "coming out" so we won't be faceless, nameless strangers any longer.  Reading the posts from each of you, I have tears in my eyes again, and I'm proud to join you.

I am Debra Padgett CPS from Cumming, GA (North Metro Atlanta) - proud to have already met two of the special people who are part of TAA.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: barbaragermany on September 12, 2001, 02:17:14 pm
Speechless in Landshut (Germany, Bavaria)

Barbara Johann

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: laundryhater on September 12, 2001, 02:29:30 pm
My heart goes out to all of you who are still in shock about yesterday's terrorist attacks. I am still in shock too. My stomach is still in knots. It's going to take a long time to get over this feeling of vulnerability.

I hope that airport security accross the nation realizes it is time to change the rules regarding allowing people with knives (even swiss army knives) board planes. This might have been prevented if only there was a no tolerance policy against ALL weaponry on planes.

I am so grateful that we are able to help each other via this site. And I would like you to know my name too. My name is Nicole Walton from Des Moines, Iowa. I am 28 years old, 5'1", brown hair, brown eyes and a Taurus.

Very glad to meet all of you.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: phoenix55 on September 12, 2001, 02:39:03 pm
Yesterday I sat with my colleagues from NYC and grew closer to them than I ever thought possible, sharing their pain and rejoicing in every phone call we got through, hearing again and again, my husband/wife is okay.

Now I sit here crying again, having come home early to kind of decompress from yesterday, especially after seeing all the police guarding the federal courthouse I work at in Albany, NY.   Seeing you all here, sharing your thoughts, knowing we're all one--you've made me cry knowing how close we all are.


Karen Phoenix Magnusen, Saratoga Springs, NY

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: ozbound on September 12, 2001, 03:04:04 pm
I apologize--I forgot to post my name and location earlier and as I do not wish to remain anonymous, I am...with lover for you all...

Judy Loomis-Grover, Tacoma, Washington


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: barbri on September 12, 2001, 03:21:14 pm
My prayers are and have been going out for those directly affected by yesterday's events - the trapped, and the families of the missing and the dead. It's just too horrific to comprehend.

Let's all make an effort to not just stop being anonymous here on the boards, but also in our work life. As Bethalize said, we tend to use only first names in our contacts within our work. Let's start using full names when we make calls or when we answer our phones.

May God give all of us strength and comfort in this trying time. I suggest you read II Corinthians 1:3-7 and Psalm 91:1. (Remember, yesterday was Sept. 11 or 9/11.) Barb Rininger from Holland, Michigan

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: daisylee on September 12, 2001, 04:04:48 pm
And every day here after will be a testiment to just who we are as Americans...I am praying for any of our cherished members who may have had a family member, friend or aquaintence working in downtown New York City yesterday, at the Pentagon, or anyone who was traveling.  We can only ask in honest confoundment, "Why?"  And we may someday know, but never I know I will never understand.  I am so proud of the people here...and glad to see you all posting, gives me comfort to know you were out of harm's way!  My the God you pray to grant you peace as we go though this difficult time.

I am Tracy Montello in Bensenville, Illinois


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: countrigal on September 12, 2001, 04:09:45 pm
Hearing everyone speak up here today keeps bringing tears to my eyes.  With each additional post here, I feel proud to know such a great group of people, and to know that we are taking a stand to know one another, here and in our dealings with admins and people everywhere.  And then to be reading these messages when the radio plays "God Bless the USA"...makes the tears come even more.  May God bless all of you, and be with those who are going through the worst with missing families, friends, co-workers, and aquiantances.

Keena Cauthen

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: vegasadmin on September 12, 2001, 05:16:24 pm
I haven't posted in awhile due to sketchy Internet access but today I'm trying and hope this gets through.  I'm Colleen (Bellairs) Maynard in Henderson, Nevada (originally from Michigan and Indiana).  Just wanted to join all of you in non-anonymity.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: northcarolina on September 12, 2001, 06:08:31 pm
The outpouring of love, concern, prayers and togetherness that have been expressed on this site yesterday, today and everyday is what makes me so proud to be a part of this phenomenal group.  Despite all our work, our bosses, and whatever the world throws at us -- I know that here is a safe haven and I thank God for each and every one of you every day.

Angela Pasciolla - Greensboro, North Carolina

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: energizer on September 12, 2001, 06:37:01 pm
I'm still so numb.  I just can't comprehend all of this.  No matter how I try, there is nothing I can find that makes sense of this terrible tragedy.  I did get good news from my cousin in Long Island today, though.  She finally found out that her husband, son and daughter (all members of the New York police department) and other son (a New York fireman) all survived the collapse of the WTC towers.  They can't come home yet because they are so desperately needed at the scene, but at least (Thank God!) they are safe.  My heart aches for all those whose loved ones did not survive, and my prayers are with the thousands (incomprehensible!!) who have lost their lives.  God help us all.

I, too, don't want to be anonymous anymore.  I'm Kathy O'Donnell CPS, from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (home), and Annandale, New Jersey (work).

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: peacelily54 on September 12, 2001, 07:08:44 pm

My prayers go out to all of those that won't hear their loved one's voice again.  May God wrap His arms around those people in their sorrow.

I am so very touched by the outpouring of feelings and support from everyone here.  Know that each one of you will be remembered in my prayers.  Even though I don't post here very often, I do check in frequently and feel as if I know you and want you to know that I am,


Kathy Marley from Baltimore, Maryland  

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: lioness70 on September 12, 2001, 08:46:18 pm
I have some good news from my post from yesterday (the WTC thread).  My BIL's best man is OK.  He works next to the Towers and he got out of there as soon as the first plane hit.

I'm still sorting out my feelings over this.  I'm not as numb as I was yesterday, but I'm still outraged.  I cannot believe some of the things that are being posted on other forums.  Some people are saying that the USA deserved this because of all our covert operations in other countries.  How wrong.  How wrong!  Those people were INNOCENT!!!  I pray for our country, for those who lost loved ones, and for those who are still looking for loved ones.

No longer anonymous, I am, Lisa Spinelli from Jackson, New Jersey.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: kohinoor on September 13, 2001, 09:20:22 am
I am glad that you are just the people you are. I like this attitude of reaching out giving and at the same time receiving strength. This will help you to overcome this difficult time.

I wish we could do more for you from over here except donating some money for the victims and their families.  But at least we want to tell you and show to you that we all feel with you and I hope that this will give you even more strength.

Yes venim and Elleny - build those towers again - show them that they will never be able to subdue the american spirit.

The following part is "stolen" from RadarOs post but it expresses so well my thoughts, that I hope RadarO will forgive me for "stealing" it:

Do not give in to terrorism! To the extent that you can, aid the victims and grieve but go on with your life as normally as possible. The evil forces that perpetrated those cowardly acts will not be victorious as long as you limit the effect those events have on your lives. So, to the extent possible, you need things to get back to normal quickly and have all activities resume as soon as can be.

With these words I will leave the office for today, but I will not leave you. My heart stays with you und you stay in my thoughts.

Birgitta Thalhofer  / Grevenbroich - Germany


Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: msmarieh on September 13, 2001, 10:59:07 am
I'm checking in too...

Marie Herman from Oswego, Illinois!

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: etietjen on September 13, 2001, 02:03:10 pm
Ellen Tietjen from Raritan, New Jersey here......

I didn't want to become another nameless entity on the net either....

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: tnvolgalcps on September 13, 2001, 04:14:35 pm
Nor do I....

Judy Lovely CPS, Louisville, Tennessee (near Knoxville)

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: ocblnd on September 13, 2001, 05:55:48 pm
Thank you for your words of support to the American professional community of Admins.  As I have read messages on these boards and many others the same thing keeps coming through - we may be miles apart yet we are all as attacted as if we worked together.  It is wonderful to know so many there are so many of you out there.    And now even greater to know who you really are, not just a screen name.    

checking in from Southern California, Fountain Valley

Barbara Murphy

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: radaro on September 14, 2001, 09:11:02 am
I read through this post again today.  I feel I have made new friends around the world, a new "coffee klatch" and it makes me feel stronger and that, somehow, we will make our way through all of this.

Birgitta - Feel free to quote me, I'm flattered.  While I am trying to continue with "normal" life, I still feel the weight of the sadness.  I still cry when I pass the flags at half-mast everywhere I go.

To all my new friends I wish you strength and hope.  My thoughts and prayers are with all Americans today.

Title: Re: Today is a new day
Post by: energizer on September 14, 2001, 09:54:18 am
I have received so many forwarded email messages in the past few days with words of pride and patriotism in them, but the most comfort and closeness I've felt has come from the messages in this forum.  We are truly a family here, and I'm proud to be a part of TAA.

As we go to sleep tonight, let us be thankful that we still live in "the land of the free," and let us be mindful that we are truly "one nation, under God."

My heartfelt prayers go with everyone who is in any way, for any reason, suffering personal loss because of this tragedy.

God bless us all.

Kathy O'Donnell CPS in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and Annandale, New Jersey.