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General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: energizer on September 14, 2001, 10:31:57 am

Title: And Then There Was Love
Post by: energizer on September 14, 2001, 10:31:57 am
 by Kathy O'Donnell

Shadows pressing inward

Capture life and steal its glow,

Reducing it to ashes

Where no beauty ever grows.

And when the fear takes over,

When the trust begins to die,

It's then we need You most, Lord,

And You always hear our cry.

You reach down into the darkness

Through the people that we love,

And in touching those around us,

We begin to feel Your love.

Just as it grows darkest,

And it seems that hope is gone,

Your love springs up around us,

Like the rising of the sun.

And with the rising of the sun,

We finally begin to feel

That the love we have experienced

Is genuine and real.

The doubts are slowly fading

As we show each other we care,

And as the day grows brighter,

We look up to find You there!

Sometimes it's really hard to trust,

But when we finally do,

We discover that our Father's love

Again has seen us through.

For His love dispels the shadows,

His care restores the sun,

And in the midst of tragedy

New life has just begun.

* * *

May the God you pray to, by whatever name you call Him,

be with our nation in this time of deepest sorrow.

Title: Re: And Then There Was Love
Post by: whitesatin on September 14, 2001, 10:42:41 am

That poem is beautiful.  It touched my heart. Thanks for sharing.