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General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: ControlledChaos on July 07, 2008, 10:16:28 am

Title: Personal Services Required
Post by: ControlledChaos on July 07, 2008, 10:16:28 am
Did anyone watch the new series "Personal Services Required" on Channel 4 last week?  It was supposedly about hiring Personal Assistants but I think the so-called employers were after a general dogsbody rather than a PA.  Am I too old-fashioned to think that a PA is someone who assists the boss in the business side of things and does not do their housework, cooking, laundry etc?

Title: Re: Personal Services Required
Post by: gee4 on July 07, 2008, 10:18:30 am
I actually missed it.  

No you are not old-fashioned but I do think employers have an old-fashioned view as to what a PA does or should be hired to do.  These days we are given the impression they want us to get involved but that is not always the case.

I feel the more skills I have, the more I am frowned upon for being a woman and having those skills.

Title: Re: Personal Services Required
Post by: raindance on July 07, 2008, 11:25:09 am
I saw that programme and was thoroughly irritated by it.  Won't watch any further episodes.

The term "personal assistant" refers, these days, not only to what might be described as a "confidential secretary" who works solely for a business, but also to someone who is a "housekeepernannysecretary-thingammy-person".  Quite a few "slebrities" have personal assistants who are NOT secretaries, but do whatever needs doing round the house/business (if it's based at home).  Cleaning, laundry and such are done by other people, but if the employers or their children needs something then the personal assistant does that task.  

The things that came over most strongly were a lack of simple good manners and an interesting disregard for the virtues of truth, decency and integrity.  However, this is so-called reality television, so it shouldn't be taken seriously at all.  The subjects on both sides are chosen more for their incompatibility rather than the possibility that they might actually get on with each other.  

Now, if they were to show a programme about REAL people doing real jobs, then I might pay attention.